08-10-2009, 12:44 PM
(This post was last modified: 12-15-2011, 11:04 PM by Whitefeather.)
Hi Sirius,
Thank you for the thread dedicated to Don Elkins. Brilliant, I love the idea and your presentation of it.
Hi Peelstreetguy,
Interesting question about our polarization, its strength and constancy…
This is a core subject.
In Christianity, it is believed that everyone can be redeemed and that a 'bad guy' can switch to the ‘good guy path’ at the last minute. I am not convinced it works that way.
Though I am not that attached to my thoughts which I keep flexible and in constant re-arrangement …, I think from time to time, hahaha.
And here are thoughts which I will share with you.
(We can still ask the question to Qu'o; I do not pretend answering it.
I think that polarization may be an accumulation process; I mean by that that, the more involved on the STO path, the more STO activity and results, obviously. The same is true for the STS path. Both paths are necessary though for the Creation to work out the way it is made.
It happens at times that I even feel compassion in my heart for the sadness of the dark path from where the radiance of light keeps irrevocably absent and where pain and bitterness are daily foods!
Just for newbies: the STS path is characterized by the way of devouration in its manner of gathering energy for continuing its existence, while the STO path works by way of radiance (which best example is the sun) and an exchange of energies voluntarily based and which we expect to balance itself.
Devouration implies the use of force for getting energy and, since forceful action upon another life creates resistance and loss, it results in pain for the life-form whose energy was taken from them.
For example, when we eat, we do not ask their permission to the plants or animals whose lives we forcefully take; we just take it and, this creates for them, loss of energy or life and pain. Force and pain are hence aligned onto the STS path.
However, we cannot do differently for we have to survive. This is the natural 50% of our nature as human beings walking upon 3rd density.
It all comes back to energy for staying alive and, in this respect, it is not much different from the problems we encounter here for gathering energy and subsistence, as when we have to eat and to keep warm and also to keep viruses at bay.
When we take energy forcefully from the Earth (oil) rather than from the sun (solar), as a specie, we act as STS. It is intrinsic to our nature.
Anyway, since all 3D beings arrive naturally balanced 50% STO and 50% STS here on Earth, we have to polarize one way or the other before entering the next density where those two factions are separated like water naturally separates from oil, so to say.
For negative polarization, the percentage in service to self for entering 4th density must reach 95%. That implies the destruction of other lives used as food for energy supply.
While the STO path requires 51% of service to others at least, which is so much more balanced, isn’t it?
The next question could be: what is it that we give away when we give energy to another being in the above density? To synthesize, could it be emotions?
Energy is life which is light which is love, focus and eventually, with added experience and information, results in consciousness. Conscious energy also is ‘order’ as opposed to ‘chaos’, as in the ‘order’ of the ‘Creation’.
Focusing thoughts or feelings upon anyone or anything gives them/it energy. And positive thinking gives away positive energy. Are thought-forms created forms of energy? I would say yes to that since thoughts are bits of ordered consciousness.
I would also say that the 51% needed on the STO path, could represent how much each one soul is part of the human total consciousness (Akhasic Records?) within our interactions with other selves through our thoughts, our feelings, our caring, our kind words and actions and also through the time we spend with others.
Have you noticed how much time and focus we usually give to the ones we love? A great deal!
At the end of the day, percentage of STO polarity is proportionate with time spent in focusing upon others (in a benevolent and non-forceful manner).
During meetings or through actions and, even through reading the work of others, as well as through our contribution in sharing our thoughts in the written word, we are actors on the STO path.
At the end, polarization comes to the following question of:
‘’who do we feed, the 4th density STO or the 4th density STS, since we are aware that all beings feed the density above?‘’
Our answer resides in our alignment for ourselves and for what we generate in others in terms of feelings when we do good deeds. If we are able to generate good feelings in others while we interact with them, then they will align onto the STO and will create good feelings themselves as in a domino effect.
By this, they will activate their heart chakra and give a radiant kind of energy.
In view of the above, it becomes easy to do the math as to the feelings we are capable of creating in ourselves as well as in others around us.
After all, we are co-creators, each of us!
Now, ‘’why do we have to survive?’’ could be an interesting topic to discuss. The reply would be around the topic of Consciousness.
keeping the light on in the dark,
Love and blessings to all,
Your friend,
on the 10th August 2009
Thank you for the thread dedicated to Don Elkins. Brilliant, I love the idea and your presentation of it.
(08-09-2009, 12:37 PM)peelstreetguy Wrote: ... I'm somewhat confused about the 51% STO. When is that measured? When you die? For example, could someone be STS most of their lives and become completely STO on the day they die and graduate? What if someone is STO most of their lives then slips in polarity before death, do they fail to graduate then? Just how does this work? ...
Hi Peelstreetguy,
Interesting question about our polarization, its strength and constancy…
This is a core subject.
In Christianity, it is believed that everyone can be redeemed and that a 'bad guy' can switch to the ‘good guy path’ at the last minute. I am not convinced it works that way.
Though I am not that attached to my thoughts which I keep flexible and in constant re-arrangement …, I think from time to time, hahaha.
And here are thoughts which I will share with you.
(We can still ask the question to Qu'o; I do not pretend answering it.

I think that polarization may be an accumulation process; I mean by that that, the more involved on the STO path, the more STO activity and results, obviously. The same is true for the STS path. Both paths are necessary though for the Creation to work out the way it is made.
It happens at times that I even feel compassion in my heart for the sadness of the dark path from where the radiance of light keeps irrevocably absent and where pain and bitterness are daily foods!
Just for newbies: the STS path is characterized by the way of devouration in its manner of gathering energy for continuing its existence, while the STO path works by way of radiance (which best example is the sun) and an exchange of energies voluntarily based and which we expect to balance itself.
Devouration implies the use of force for getting energy and, since forceful action upon another life creates resistance and loss, it results in pain for the life-form whose energy was taken from them.
For example, when we eat, we do not ask their permission to the plants or animals whose lives we forcefully take; we just take it and, this creates for them, loss of energy or life and pain. Force and pain are hence aligned onto the STS path.
However, we cannot do differently for we have to survive. This is the natural 50% of our nature as human beings walking upon 3rd density.
It all comes back to energy for staying alive and, in this respect, it is not much different from the problems we encounter here for gathering energy and subsistence, as when we have to eat and to keep warm and also to keep viruses at bay.
When we take energy forcefully from the Earth (oil) rather than from the sun (solar), as a specie, we act as STS. It is intrinsic to our nature.
Anyway, since all 3D beings arrive naturally balanced 50% STO and 50% STS here on Earth, we have to polarize one way or the other before entering the next density where those two factions are separated like water naturally separates from oil, so to say.
For negative polarization, the percentage in service to self for entering 4th density must reach 95%. That implies the destruction of other lives used as food for energy supply.
While the STO path requires 51% of service to others at least, which is so much more balanced, isn’t it?

The next question could be: what is it that we give away when we give energy to another being in the above density? To synthesize, could it be emotions?
Energy is life which is light which is love, focus and eventually, with added experience and information, results in consciousness. Conscious energy also is ‘order’ as opposed to ‘chaos’, as in the ‘order’ of the ‘Creation’.
Focusing thoughts or feelings upon anyone or anything gives them/it energy. And positive thinking gives away positive energy. Are thought-forms created forms of energy? I would say yes to that since thoughts are bits of ordered consciousness.
I would also say that the 51% needed on the STO path, could represent how much each one soul is part of the human total consciousness (Akhasic Records?) within our interactions with other selves through our thoughts, our feelings, our caring, our kind words and actions and also through the time we spend with others.
Have you noticed how much time and focus we usually give to the ones we love? A great deal!
At the end of the day, percentage of STO polarity is proportionate with time spent in focusing upon others (in a benevolent and non-forceful manner).
During meetings or through actions and, even through reading the work of others, as well as through our contribution in sharing our thoughts in the written word, we are actors on the STO path.
At the end, polarization comes to the following question of:
‘’who do we feed, the 4th density STO or the 4th density STS, since we are aware that all beings feed the density above?‘’
Our answer resides in our alignment for ourselves and for what we generate in others in terms of feelings when we do good deeds. If we are able to generate good feelings in others while we interact with them, then they will align onto the STO and will create good feelings themselves as in a domino effect.
By this, they will activate their heart chakra and give a radiant kind of energy.
In view of the above, it becomes easy to do the math as to the feelings we are capable of creating in ourselves as well as in others around us.
After all, we are co-creators, each of us!
Now, ‘’why do we have to survive?’’ could be an interesting topic to discuss. The reply would be around the topic of Consciousness.
keeping the light on in the dark,
Love and blessings to all,
Your friend,
on the 10th August 2009