08-10-2009, 12:35 PM
(08-09-2009, 12:37 PM)peelstreetguy Wrote: Maybe this has been answered already. I havn't read all the Q'uo material yet, but I'm somewhat confused about the 51% STO. When is that measured? When you die? For example, could someone be STS most of their lives and become completely STO on the day they die and graduate? What if someone is STO most of their lives then slips in polarity before death, do they fail to graduate then? Just how does this work? I think you guys know what I'm getting at. Has Q'uo answered this question already?
For what it's worth, Cosmic Awareness has been addressing similar issues for many years. One point that has been repeated for decades is that when you pass over, you assess your life by asking the question:
"How many have you served, and how well?"
This of course is all relative, and you may not know how well you have served while you are in the midst of things. This is why intent is so important. I find it reassuring, because at least I know I've TRIED to serve people and WANT to serve people... hard to say "how well" I've served though.
Re: Q'uo questions, I would also like to understand more about the energy of Lucifer. I would also like to know, to what percentage do/have the Wanderers succeeded in their incarnational missions? I identify very strongly with the concept of the wanderer, and feel strongly that I have some sort of higher purpose that eludes me, but when I look back on things i don't really see much in the way of "changing the world" or "attracting like-minded people" or sharing spirituality/healing with others. What exactly were the wanderers aiming to accomplish in this time period?
In the case of people who have gone astray from their intended pre-incarnational path, I wonder how did the higher self not "see it coming", or perceive the likelihood of the catalyst of earth having such a strong effect as to totally overwhelm and discourage the incarnated being, especially when many experiences that influence such an outcome seem to occur in early childhood. I would guess that the higher self knows exactly where and why it is incarnating, but sometimes I wonder if that is not actually the case.