07-16-2011, 11:07 PM
(07-12-2011, 02:46 AM)Tenet Nosce Wrote: It is actually causing me to feel physically angry right now the level of twisted abuse that was committed here by "brother upon sister" and "sister upon sister". All under the false guise of Love!I've seen this kind of thing go down in a channeling group. Never to anywhere near this degree. But the demons are always there, ready to pounce. Disguised as angels, of course.
This is off-topic, but has to do with a possible source of anger. Do you know what an egregore is? I run into these things all the time on the web. http://hubpages.com/hub/What-is-an-egregore
It's not very logical for text on a screen to cause the thoughts to turn into physical anger. An egregore becomes even more blatant when it causes havok with your ability to talk about it or other negative thought froms. The other forum I spent a lot of time on had this problem, specific posts or private messages about the thought form would not post, sometimes rebooting the PC upon hitting the submit button, rebooting router, rebooting smart phones, and almost always crashing the web page. Meanwhile, endless meaningless posts about nothing continue without a hitch.
(07-12-2011, 10:00 AM)unity100 Wrote: you need to choose a path and walk it - and there are paths. the very definition of a path, is unfortunately something straight and narrow, just like how it is defined below :This is how I think also.
in short ; there are dos, and donts for arriving at a certain location at the end of a path. of course you are at liberty to choose any path you like, and change your path however often you want, however without actually walking the path that was chosen, no waypoint will be reached.