I am wondering if there is a benelovent reason for the FEMA camps. The Earth is Shifting! Soon there will be a spate of earthquakes, and Tsunamis and volcanic erruptions, wildfires and floods--- Mother Earth is Birthing--- Consider these active labor contractions. She has no ill will toward any of her co-creations--- and sends us warnings that another one is going to happen--- for instance ever notice the trees just before a big storm or how about all the animals running from an earthquake? We humans stand there stuck on stupid and go on about our day and then the Earth Quake happens and we are all so surprised and unprepared.
For the most part the Lightworkers and Benevolent Beings (Angels, Galactic Federation, Devas etc) are working night and day to keep this planet together during this time of transition--- the darkest moment before birth--- So what happens if there is a natural disaster of a greater magnitude than Hurricane Katrina or the Tsunami in Asia? Where do the survivors go if no family can take them in or all exists are blocked going say east across the US or Inland if in Europe or how about in Japan where there is really no place to go but into the ocean... Changes are upon us. There is not much we can do on this plane of existence to change that--- what we can do is be AWARE of the signs of change around us. If the waves at the ocean look strange--- get at least 10 miles inland. If animals are running from an area, no bugs are buzzing and the trees have stopped moving even though there is wind.... Move as far away as possible from that area. The signs are always there. It is up to us to listen and see.
I am sure the Katrina Hurricane survivors would have dearly loved quality housing in a safe place as opposed to be put in the stadium. I am sure the survivors of the Tsunamis and Earth Quakes would be very happy if housing and food and medical care had been offered to them--- unfortunately in all these cases no one offered any help and in some cases help was stalled because of greed, evil, and power and control games that are being played out in Asia and Africa right now.
It is possible that the piggy flu is a cover for these soon to be manifesting natural events--- to keep the public from reacting in an irrational way. This is not a view point that I think is prudent or honest---- but not exactly coming from an a place of evil either. It is similar to telling a child a parent who has died is "working" and won't be coming home from "work" anymore. The person telling this story is trying to "protect" the child from feeling pain and protect themselves from fully feeling the pain of their own loss. The intention is good--- protect from unnecessary pain--- the delivery needs work.
For the most part the Lightworkers and Benevolent Beings (Angels, Galactic Federation, Devas etc) are working night and day to keep this planet together during this time of transition--- the darkest moment before birth--- So what happens if there is a natural disaster of a greater magnitude than Hurricane Katrina or the Tsunami in Asia? Where do the survivors go if no family can take them in or all exists are blocked going say east across the US or Inland if in Europe or how about in Japan where there is really no place to go but into the ocean... Changes are upon us. There is not much we can do on this plane of existence to change that--- what we can do is be AWARE of the signs of change around us. If the waves at the ocean look strange--- get at least 10 miles inland. If animals are running from an area, no bugs are buzzing and the trees have stopped moving even though there is wind.... Move as far away as possible from that area. The signs are always there. It is up to us to listen and see.
I am sure the Katrina Hurricane survivors would have dearly loved quality housing in a safe place as opposed to be put in the stadium. I am sure the survivors of the Tsunamis and Earth Quakes would be very happy if housing and food and medical care had been offered to them--- unfortunately in all these cases no one offered any help and in some cases help was stalled because of greed, evil, and power and control games that are being played out in Asia and Africa right now.
It is possible that the piggy flu is a cover for these soon to be manifesting natural events--- to keep the public from reacting in an irrational way. This is not a view point that I think is prudent or honest---- but not exactly coming from an a place of evil either. It is similar to telling a child a parent who has died is "working" and won't be coming home from "work" anymore. The person telling this story is trying to "protect" the child from feeling pain and protect themselves from fully feeling the pain of their own loss. The intention is good--- protect from unnecessary pain--- the delivery needs work.