07-12-2011, 10:35 AM
(This post was last modified: 07-15-2011, 01:58 PM by Tenet Nosce.)
(07-12-2011, 05:26 AM)3DMonkey Wrote: Thank you for putting this together. I mimic Your train of thought very closely. Except I don't get angry about it. I have no experience with group situations with channeling. I do recognize the personal twists and turns when reading transcripts of sessions though.
You're welcome! The anger somewhat surprised me as well... how strong the feeling was as I was typing it. So I decided just to incorporate that observation in the post.
I do have some experience with group channeling, and some of it gave me the heebie-jeebies . Mind you, it was not because of any sort of programming telling me that there was something WRONG with channeling. It was because of the vibration that some people would bring with them to the group. Some people are just very manipulative, and VERY adept and covering it up with a superficial "love and light" aura. I think most know not what they do, but that doesn't make it any less damaging.
There were certain people who would come to the group time and again, always complaining and suffering about the same thing. Always they tried to ask the channel "What they should do?" and always they received the same answer "Do what will bring you the most joy".
Yet something in their mind seemed to prohibit them from accepting this as the "right" answer. It was maybe just too simple?? Anyhow in the perception of a energetically-sensitive observer there definitely wasn't just "love and light" there in that room at times, if you know what I mean.
Quote:For some reason, I enjoy reading it while, at the same time, I don't consider it to be special. Special meaning as far as being anything I couldn't do on my own. Frankly, it sounds like nothing more than drifting thoughts. Therefore, to me, I determine that this is our way to communicate and that we are channeling constantly.
What am I babbling about.... The channeling dynamics are simple and common thought babbling. I dont have any real experience with psychotic persons or bad trips to give me apprehension. I know there is more to life than my own bubble though.
Yes, I see what you are getting at. In some ways I think we each grow to me more perfect channels for our own Higher Self. But with these types of channelings there is a certain vulnerability to the channel- especially the more foreign and exotic the channeled energy gets. There are some very serious risks to channeling, and I would hope that the Ra Material at least makes that much obvious to readers.
I know it is not obvious to many people that attend channeling sessions. They come in with NO IDEA what is going on, have NO CLUE about the potential risks to the channeler, and DON'T CARE about anything else but their own personal hell, which they conveniently dragged into the room with them for everybody else to see. Or not see, as perception allows.
I, also, have dealt with psychotic people in my personal bubble. I once shared a condo with somebody who opened themselves up to a negative contact through meth use... and let me tell you... this thing wanted blood. So.. again I guess that is just my personal experience which is admittedly unusual.
(07-12-2011, 10:00 AM)unity100 Wrote: it is arguable that Ra had 'intervened'. you are taking initiation of Ra contact as an intervention. that is no decisive conclusion, especially without any solid reasoning behind it.
Yes, unity100, it is arguable. Ever and anon you seem to be wanting to express that things are arguable. And ever you are right. Though I offered links to other threads where I have offered reasoning. And you are present in those other threads offering your counterviews.
So, I am not sure if you are here trying to dismiss all of my previous reasoning as false, or if it doesn't count because I haven't specifically recounted it in this thread, or...? I will stop trying to figure out what is going on in your mind here. Will you enlighten me?
Quote:in addition, what they say is not a 'false promise' of return - indeed, if someone wishes, they can return, because it is the mechanic which governs the calling.
Well, I offered that no, they can't. I have a whole other thread discussing the idea that the Ra contact was an intervention on Hatonn. And you clearly didn't like the opinion I offered there either.
Which, of course, is fine. Maybe you could share more of where -you- are coming from. A personal story, perhaps, to help provide some context for your posts?
Quote:alright then start enslaving people and claim you are polarizing positively, because there is no absolute principle from which to discern appropriate ethical behavior but for the Law of One.
Yes, my friend yes. This is why the negative side exists. Remember? It is all just as well according to the Law of One. It even SAYS that in the Law of One.
Others keep trying to come back and project their personal ethical system onto the Law of One when there is nothing there. The dynamics of how this occurs is all right here in this session, which I am drawing attention to. Are you even paying attention to what I write, or do you just look for the first thing to argue against, and stick with that. Hmm?
Quote:law of 'one' becomes law of 'one' at the point where everything is 'one'. you are not at that point, but an earlier continuum in which there is future, past, and a lot of other things.
You have absolutely no idea "where" I am or "where" I came from.
Quote:you need to choose a path and walk it - and there are paths. the very definition of a path, is unfortunately something straight and narrow, just like how it is defined below :
Lol! That's a great phrase you used there "straight and narrow" which is typically invoked when others cannot live up to the "impossible" ideal of Jesus' life. I will put that in my own evidence column, thanks!
Quote:in short ; there are dos, and donts for arriving at a certain location at the end of a path. of course you are at liberty to choose any path you like, and change your path however often you want, however without actually walking the path that was chosen, no waypoint will be reached.
I challenge you to find anything in the material which suggests that, once one has made the choice, they are required that every future choice is in alignment with that. According to my read, Ra views 3D as a field of possibility where one is meant to have some leeway. Maybe try some darkness on for size every now and again, see how it feels? It is OK to play with the darkness, my friend, if you know who you really are. It is OK to NOT play with the darkness, either. I'm just saying the "straight line" approach to a path is not the only one out there.
Quote:i think that you are exaggerating. but, i am not precisely sure what you are railing against. if, you boil it down to very basic principles and pose an argument, maybe it would help discussing it in its core levels.
Well, emotions have a tendency to do that. As I alluded above, I was not suspecting that strong of an emotion to come out, so I thought it better to just document it in the post and let it be for now. I will give it a bit to churn around and see what comes out once I can see a bit more clearly.
(07-12-2011, 09:30 AM)Crown Wrote: I think that Don had a major impact on the clarity of the Ra channeling. I always said that not all of their channelings are clear and understandable. Some of them are totally distorted and poluted jsut like any other type of information.
A critical point that I think sometimes gets lost in the discussion!