07-05-2011, 08:45 PM
(07-05-2011, 05:09 PM)Tenet Nosce Wrote: the kind you find in the Judaeo-Christian-Muslim school of thought. Which, I can't help but point out, is decidedly militaristic in its view. I'm down with the teachings of Jesus, but let's face it, Jehovah is a war god, pure and simple.
Yes, and we know why, because we know who 'Jehovah' really was. I realized that, on my own after reading the old testament and being horrified by what I read, and then read the Law of One. It was one among many points that confirmed the Law of One for me.
(07-05-2011, 05:09 PM)Tenet Nosce Wrote: With all due respect to my Jewish, Christian, and Muslim friends, this is NOT the mental framework which Ra is coming from. And I will admit, that much of my frustration in discussing this topic, and with the world in general, is this stubbornly dogged one-track mentality which insists on interpreting EVERYTHING in terms of Judaeo-Christian-Muslim belief systems.
YES!! Me too! Even many New Age channels, flavor their channelings with their Christian backgrounds.
Another thing that stood out, and impressed me so much about the Law of One, was that it wasn't flavored (distorted) by any such religious programming.
(07-05-2011, 05:09 PM)Tenet Nosce Wrote: I just have found that line of thinking to result in some very closed-minded self-righteous people who think that it is just fine to kill another human being for simply not subscribing to their belief system.
You're right; it is the 'Abrahamic' religions that tend to do that. The difference is only in degree and whether it's directly or indirectly. Most Christians would never directly engage in terrorist acts, but don't see the contradiction when they support such acts indirectly, by supporting war.
(07-05-2011, 05:09 PM)Tenet Nosce Wrote: So sometimes I feel moved to draw a very hard line with these folks. Sorry, Jesus is not coming back. The apocalypse is not coming. The pearly gates are not opening for you. Sorry, you've got it all wrong. You and everybody else who has believed the lies of the "apocalypse" and "salvation" over the last 2500 years. This isn't just my opinion, it is out of history books filled with religious folk who believed that their time was the "end time" and that the Savior was about to come. I say, you've been duped. Again. At this point it is just silly to continue to believe in this horrible lie, and to live in the immense anxiety it produces, and call it a testament to "faith".
How have they responded, when you were blunt like that? I too have wondered if maybe it's time to be more blunt on some of these things. I have shocked some of them by telling them I cannot accept the Bible, because it doesn't meet my standards of basic human decency. It's too violent and is full of genocides, baby killing and other atrocities. That usually gets quite a reaction! Definitely not what they expected me to say!
I do it in a nice way that respects their choice, but hopefully will get them to at least start to question. But now I'm starting to wonder, whether we should be more blunt, because their fanaticism is affecting lots of other people. Look at how the current wars were largely supported by this community. Look at how some of their leaders actually support these wars, because they think it will set up events according to prophecy and facilitate the return of Jesus. They are free to believe whatever they want, but when it starts affecting others, to the point of violence based on beliefs, then they have crossed a line.
(07-05-2011, 05:09 PM)Tenet Nosce Wrote: Not everybody, mind you, but one would be pretty hard-pressed to find a Hindu, Buddhist, or Taoist, for example, that would agree it is their God-given duty to make war on other human beings for failing to adhere to their belief system. This is because in a very fundamental sense, the concept of salvation is through self-actualization.
Very true.
(07-05-2011, 05:09 PM)Tenet Nosce Wrote: I can respect their ability to choose to believe in a falsehood. However, I do not have to entertain their beliefs out of a false sense of respect for their religion. Sometimes I feel the Love n' Lighters get a little carried away with their tolerance toward other people's intolerance, especially when it comes to religious belief systems. If we are supposed to "lead the way" into the next phase of human evolution, I believe it will be necessary to create an environment of strong social pressure against violent thinking. Especially at first.
Well said!
(07-05-2011, 05:09 PM)Tenet Nosce Wrote: I also think the harvesting process will take a lot of the burden off of the rest of society which is now so tied up in dealing with the minority of people who, not only persist in violent thinking, but have the means to carry it out on a global scale. Most people are ready to move on, but they have been held hostage to behaviors which are not only incongruent with, but antithetical to, a spiritually evolved society. This is not mere sin, but iniquity. (Just to throw in a Christian term)
But there still will be many who teeter in confusion, as one who is recently separated from an abusive family. We will need to guide them. Yes, with love, but also with the wisdom to know better than to allow children to run out in front of moving vehicles.
Well said!