(08-02-2009, 08:48 PM)Sirius Wrote: being where you are 'supposed' to be will only come for following such urges. persay if we sit back and do nothing ignoring all thoughts and feelings that say this is not what we should be doing, you are not in the right place blah blah blah.
Exactly! The task, however, is to be able to discern which urges are higher guidance, and which are coming from fear. I have established the intention to never do anything out of fear (unless I happen to be chased by a tiger maybe, ha!). Stop and b-r-e-a-t-h-e. Meditate. Ask for guidance via dreams and whatever form your personal guidance takes. Person A might feel guided to just relax, while Person B might feel guided to buy lentils and camping equipment!
(Lentils are great to have on hand, btw, because you can sprout them as well as cook them!)
My hubby and I bought long-term storage food 25 years ago. It all turned to dust. It might have been a good idea if we had used it every few years and replenished it. But alas, it all got wasted!
I think the martial law/concentration camps stuff is fearmongering. They've been saying that stuff for awhile. Last year, it was president cheney who was going to instill martial law. The rumor was that there would be martial law by fall 2008, and the election would be postponed, and cheney would be in permanent power. Oh, and anyone who spoke out would be rounded up and put into all those 'concentration camps.'
Well, um, it didn't happen. Just like the global catastrophes didn't happen in 1987...or in 1996 (remember the "I am America" map?) ...or in 2000 (Y2k) or...what was that other one? sorry I forgot, I lost track...
Looking at this pragmatically, I just don't see what they would gain by rounding people up and putting them in concentration camps. I mean, just think of the logistics of that! They have a hard enough time taking care of the prisoners in jail who are getting diabetes, cancer, etc. (They require disease management too!)
Anyway, they already control the minds of those who want to be controlled...there's no need to control them bodily.
I also don't buy into the 'population control' stuff, for the simple reason that, if they released some sort of superbug, 'they' (whoever 'they' is) would be susceptible to it also. I've researched enough about the inefficacy of vaccinations to believe that 'they' know well enough that vaccination wouldn't protect them. So, imo, it's all a farce. Just more fearmongering.
Now, a legitimate (as in, naturally occurring/mutating as opposed to being created in a lab) superbug...yeah I could see that happening, as a natural means of providing a convenient exit for those who don't wish to stay here. Since I do want to stay here, getting prepared physically is something that is important to me. Hence, I feel very drawn to doing what I can to strengthen my immune system. I don't do this out of fear. I just don't think it's a stretch for something like that to happen...just like a hurricane or tsunami might happen...but those are natural things and therefore in a different category than artificially orchestrated events. I just don't think the 'power elite' has much control any more. They want us to think they do, and that's why they're making this big deal about the swine flu. I don't fear the swine flu. The only thing I'm maybe a teeny bit concerned about is the thought of being forced to get some toxic vaccination. THAT scares me! (deep breath)
(08-02-2009, 08:48 PM)Sirius Wrote: When I have these thoughts it just makes me think of England as a realllly old place, stongehenge and things. This land is very important for a lot of reasons I am unaware of.
Ah, man, if I lived in England, I sure wouldn't want to leave either!
I think I remember Ra saying that there were no longer any 'safe' places geographically. That's not to say there aren't any safe places, but only that it would be up to each individual to be in the place that is appropriate for them. There was also something about STO's having a measure of protection not afforded to STS's...an STS entity could get stuck in a natural disaster, but an STO wouldn't be affected by a group-karma event (natural disaster) unless it was his/her karma. In other words, we don't have to worry about getting prematurely taken out by some hurricane or something, unless it really was what was appropriate for us. This was comforting!
Having said all that, I do think it's pragmatic to have maybe a small supply of extra food, first aid, etc. on hand. By 'small' I mean for maybe a couple of weeks or so. I don't feel personally guided to stockpile a year's worth of food (and certainly not weapons) or head for the hills. If some people feel to do that, then, that might be the 'right place' for them. I would just suggest working with that impulse and try to get past the fear, to make sure it really is guidance and not fear that is driving the urge.
Having a stocked cupboard and a few bags of sprouting seeds and a few 5-gallon bottles of water on hand isn't exactly survival mode...it wouldn't last very long in an Armageddon scenario...but it would get the family thru a temporary quarantine, a power outage or a hurricane or something like that. I think having a small stash for short-term emergencies is a good idea, generally speaking, anyway, and has nothing to do with 2012 or any of that. That sort of thing could happen anytime.
I think of it sort of like locking my door at night. I just do it out of habit. I am just in the habit of making sure my cupboard is always full. When we had the hurricane scare, everyone was rushing to the grocery store to stock up on bread, bottled water, etc. If we don't let our cupboards get too bare on a regular basis, then we just won't have to stand in lines or be disappointed when the grocery store shelves are bare, due to panic. I'm not going to waste a huge amount of $$ on huge amounts of long-term storage stuff, but a small amount of basic staples, that we use anyway, seems to be a good balance for me. (I also like to have sprouting seeds on hand, because sprouts are easy to grow and provide fresh greens any time. But I use them regularly anyway, so that's not really stockpiling for me.) Each of us has to find the balance that feels comfortable for us. I think the key is that, whatever we decide, we do it out of pragmatism and NOT out of fear.