07-04-2011, 11:11 AM
if she's not totally STS, which is likely, she'll actually develop sympathy for you if you appear to be in need of help, instead of always outshining her. i'm not saying manipulate her, but if there becomes a situation in which you might need her help...ask her. it just seems like she feels your light shows you as a secure and successful person, and her as a b****, and she feels she can attack you because you are strong enough to take it because she feels threatened and is not concerned for your welfare but her own. people tend to put their own welfare first until someone really needs help in which case most people try to help because now you're someone to protect instead of a threat, and it gives them an opportunity to shine their light in a stronger way which is sometimes easier than smiling at a coworker when you're having a crappy day. does this make any sense? if she is more STS she might use it as an opportunity to attack. could go either way. :/ maybe you could try to get to know her better to figure out what the problem is.