(07-03-2011, 11:39 PM)Oceania Wrote: lol that's just 2 years! maybe you should focus on enjoying the world as it is since 2012 spells change. i for one want to enjoy this 3D world while it's here!
Well here is the issue My family when I was 13 moved into the middle of nowhere in southern Colorado and for half a year I spent time with absolutely no contact with other children and I had hair that was very long then my family moved up to our family land where the rest of my relations live(we have owned it for 50+ years so it is pretty cool) and I spent the rest of the year with the only interaction being with my family( by the way my family land is up in northern Colorado and about 45 minuets into the mountains) then we moved agian all the way to Oregon just as I turned 14 and I was suddenly immersed into a place full of people and so naturally I turned inward to hide(plus it didn't help that I had hair about a foot long or that i was really chubby) and for the next two years basically lived in my house and wouldn't go out.
I have gotten over most of that and now go on field trips occasionally with the boys and girls club and every sunday go to a very Law of One oriented church but I still feel fear when asked to do something like go to the grocery store like earlier today and I franticaly searched for the thing we needed and hoped that we actually did have it and we did. So it is hard for me to enjoy 3d social and personal life when I can't do very much in public. Oh and I did cut my hair and it is now short and I have lost weight like recently I went from 217 LB to 204/5 LB in just a week or so which my mom says is a bit odd that I lost that much weight so fast. So it is no longer so much my self image that keeps me from going out but a unknown fear that keeps me out of public. And the only reason I was able to meet a girl is because my mom was an apprentice midwife(she is now a Practicing midwife) and helped the girls mom to deliver a baby girl. So I am slowly getting my confidence back but still not at the point were I can go out into public spontaneously and not have to prepare myself mentally.
On to the Topic of this thread is there a way that you can tell if someone has clicked ignore on your friend request? And just to clarify I am trying to be friends over facebook as a way to communicate between visits. Also after I met her I tried my hardest to act like I liked her without being to obvious and it worked At christmas last year, she asked my sister if I liked her and my sister said yes and she came running up to me out of nowhere and I stepped back to let her through but she said "no wait come here" then stepped up to my ear and said "your sister said you like me" then ran of giggling. But see the problem is that I know how to recognize that a guy likes someone as I am one but how do you know if a girl like you? At the time she was 13 and I was 15(there is a 1 year 7 month gap between our ages so when I turn 17 this next feburary she will have at the end of this year turned 15). Now the reason I am so confused about how she views me is that at times she seems to show interest in some kind of relationship(friendship or romantic relationship) then she shows none and sometimes she acts like I am just someone to hang out with because I am the only other teen other then my brother.
Holy bleep I just realized that I wandered all over the place with that post. So if you could answer the questions in there about how you might be able to tell if a girl has interest In you and whatever else I asked thanks.
There were a lot of typos in there.
She just friended a different teenage boy, so the questions running through my head are. Does she like this other boy? Does she not like me enough to even be friends? Why will she friend him but not me? So as you can see I am filled with doubt now but I will try to remain positive about my chances. However he already has a big advantage over me in that he lives closer to her in fact in the same town while I live 45 minutes away. so next time I will just have to get up the courage to ask her if she feels anything for me at all and if not could we at least be friends. Because she is the type of person that strikes me as being really fun to be around.(and maybe she will start to like me over time as we hang out more

Edit) what the hell that above was supposed to be a separate post. ???
Oh and my facebook page on the computer says friend request sent but on my iPod Facebook App it will let me send a friend request. So which one has it correct? And she seems friendly with my family because she even tried to friend my parents. And if I were to do that then it would be so I could get information about her and even find her Facebook and friend it. Not saying that is why she did it but that is the only reason why I would friend her mom. So it is like she is ignoring me and paying attention to my family which stings slightly.
(edit) ????? what the heck I am clicking on new reply why is it adding to the post above it?