(07-01-2011, 10:19 PM)Raman Wrote: The sun (sub-logos) creates catalysts up to 3d (included). After 4d...(4d's sees real nature of the sub-Logos), catalysts are more programmed. It seems reasonable a 6d wanderer would have all catalyst programmed (different for each wanderer except the basic missions such as radiance of light, etc) ) except for negative attacks and such.Each successive density seems to be less an less determined by the logos and more and more a function of free will and acceptance of the logos. starting with 1D, with physics as the logos 'blueprint' :'free will'.
(07-01-2011, 09:17 PM)3DMonkey Wrote: In a nutshell, a higher self is the self, there is no difference as far as access via time/space is concerned. I may not be a 6D Wanderer at this space/time nexus, but I am a 6D being in time/space now.But there is a significant difference in access. Access to time/space 'experience' is limited by evolution of mind/spirit. One doesn't 'become' the higher self, or have any more access to higher self at death, for example. The life overview is from the level of everything experienced up to that point and no further.