06-28-2011, 11:51 AM
hmmmm...well I can say that the last several months I have had nights where I get sharp pains mostly in my right foot up through my right leg? It also never seems to be the same spot? It started out in my right knee and then the pain was very painful to say the least. I have a very high tolerance for pain and have never been hypochondriac sort. After the pain left the knee I had major pains in my right foot for a few weeks then I was alright for a week or so and then a few weeks ago it's been above my knee? It's very confusing and painful to say the least and 'if' it is this crystalizing as referred to then I will learn to embrace it but man oh man has it been hard to concentrate and remain in a positive mood the last several months. When I can feel the pain it's almost overwhelming and it consumes my mind. I don't feel as if I need to see a doctor personally and normally avoid the doc unless it's an emergency. Do my symptoms resemble the crysalizing of the chakras by chance?
Thanks in advance for your help!
Thanks in advance for your help!