06-04-2011, 11:05 AM
(03-20-2011, 06:58 PM)NegaNova Wrote: I've been really enjoying the readings lately from Q'uo, and I really appreciate all the work everyone has been doing to bring them to us,
in this session, although the major focus of it was on synchronicity, some interesting points I'd like to look at are actually Q'uo's understanding of our progression into 4th density.
(The entire session is pretty good, but I'm just quoting the couple references that have to do with progression into 4th.)
First Q'uo says,
Quote:We would, however, caution against overemphasizing the importance of events of this nature that might be taken to have an outward meaning that causes one to lose sight of the real task at hand. There has been around this date some degree of fear generated; some sense that perhaps the planet will undergo such contortions that a great many will suffer deeply and die. While it is true that the turmoil and difficulties upon your planet continue apace, still we would suggest to you that the period of transition will not be a terribly dramatic one but will tend rather to be gradual. The date of more significance is that of the duration of your own incarnation, which holds the opportunity for accomplishing those things which you have come to do. And you all have come to do quite particular things in this incarnation.
but then later says,
Quote:(Jim channeling)
I am Q’uo, and greet you again in love and light through this instrument. Thus, as each of you pursues your path of seeking, you have signposts along the way that give you confirmation and even inspiration to continue your journey. You form your ritual of seeking, shall we say, your manner of being. You pursue your daily round of activities in a set way, accomplishing cycles, patterns and individual journeys into the new realms of your own being. And as this pattern of seeking harmonizes with the entities and experiences about you, you find yourself in a goodly company of great souls, all moving in unison to the opening of the heart, the service of others, and the seeking of the one Creator.
And this great company of seeking, accomplishing the various patterns of existence and the cycles of experience, nears the end of this particular density’s ability to provide such catalyst. For the great cycle of experience upon this planet in third density also comes to its end. It is now the eleventh hour before the 12/12 striking of the clock on the great clock face of your galaxy. The time between now and then is as a second on this timepiece. And each of you now moves toward that striking of the clock upon the hour of midnight, shall we say, that will enter into this experience on this planet for all seekers, the enlightenment of the one Creator being found within the heart of all seekers.
At this time we will transfer this contact to the one known as Carla. We are those of Q’uo.
The reason I bring this up is because I'm a little confused. I understand that the progression of densities is gradual from 1 - 8, and Earth and myself are actually simultaneiously in all densities, as we are all already one. Except that my mind and perception are focused around space/time, and as a result I'm intersted in how this progression actually works on a space/time level.
Later Q'uo notes that we are nearly at the striking of the hour, which is something Ra said in one of the Law of One sessions to describe how the shift in density worked, that it was like the striking of the clock and is a set time which has been created beforehand by our logos.
So... my confusion lies in the terminology of 'gradual.' Firstly the shift is described as a gradual process, but then explained to be at a point where the time it is before the next density is barely any time at all.
I get that the shift is not an event where it's like.. all of a sudden in a matter of minutes I am in the next density, but if we are basically one second from 12, is it possible that the gradual shift they are referring to is occuring in a relatively short period of time? Or is a "second on this timepiece" actually like 500 years?
This one intervenes regarding this subject of a "Gradual Shift" - or that "progression" in consciousness into 4D - That there is a distortion that somehow we all get to "melt" into Fourth Density within a progression of a measurement of time and space.
We have been given a "gradual" 75,000 years to graduate out of 3rd Density. Ra Sources inform us that 8% are eligible for this final Harvest of three. At any time during a 75,000 year Human cycle, any Third Density entity can offer itself for Harvest into Fourth Density, just as Second Density, Plants and Animals, can offer itself into Third Density when they have exhausted experiences in that Density.
To speak of the Harvest or "Shift" in the sense that "Nothing is earned - all is automatic", without doing the work to graduate out of 3rd Density, is the voice of the Empire. A "Harvest without inconvenience" is taught.
Long ago, the Empire existed in this galaxy. They gained strength by seeking out and provoking Orion to battle whenever they could find an opportunity. There came a time when the Galactic Logos became un-amused with the constant battles and ordered the end of the Empire. Most found niches in the Confederation while others targeted a planet that was undergoing an Age Change, a Root Race Change and a Density Change simultaneously. This collection of Light is referred to as The New Age Movement consisting of 93% Empire Hierarchy and unevolved Laggards.
As the planets continue their configuration towards alignment for this final Harvest, this current Aryan Root Race is witnessing its demise. There have been five Root Races within this 75,000 year cycle which is ending, and each is cleansed away so the next one can begin afresh. The last Atlantean Root Race was inundated 11,600 years ago. For one to promote continuation without inconvenience is to cling to a physical reality that is not in alignment with reality!
There has been two previous Harvests, one at 25,000 years, where no one was eligible and the second at 50,000 years, where 150 made the grade. 100 of us are incarnated on the planet at this time. The other 50 are in the earth's interior. Ra Sources inform us that 8% of the earth's population are eligible for this 3rd and final Harvest. While a soul may mature and offer itself to the next Higher Density at any time during a cycle, the Harvest can be understood as a graduation from college, whereas Ones who made the grades are gathered up by an Administration to acknowledge and celebrate their accomplishment. The Administration in Earth's Harvest, is the Confederation.
Teaching a Harvest without inconvenience stifles evolution. To have fear that the planet will undergo cleansing cataclysms and many will suffer and die is a fear of understanding the process of evolution - and non acceptance of the Karma involved. Ones of Atlantis, Ones of Lemuria, Ones of Lemania, Ones of Adamic, here we are again ... still! The past cataclysms cleansed away our bodies, our homes, our governments, our birds and our bees, but did not destroy our souls and neither will this upcoming one!
The Harvestables know this. The Unharvestables are bewildered by this and cling to Third Density existence. They want to hold onto their houses, their buildings, their automobiles, their governments, their birds and their bees. As the planets continue to move towards the alignment towards the time of the Great Gathering Up of Graduates, the Unharvestables will also gather in the etheric plane after the death process then, with their souls intact, shipped off to another planet where they will have a new 75,000 year cycle to Harvest themselves out of 3rd Density - then may choose to return to a new Fourth Density Earth with a new face of eternal Springtime. They may "gradually" take as much time as needed to do so!