(06-01-2011, 01:35 AM)Jerome Wrote: Hi 111,333 is a daily occurance in my life. It is a sign of balance, when I see 333 it means to me that I am making balanced descions and is reasuring that the path I'm on is the right one. Three 3s Trifecta. As far as the dream goes azarael hit the nail on the head!! In numerology natural addition is the way to pull meaning from every number. 9 is a master number, it transends the Octave. I believe 9 to be a gateway number (as Ra says what is past 8th density in the next "range" of octaves is still a mystery even to them) buut that's only opinion, whatever rings true ya know... Perhaps your dream was telling you to dig deeper into numerology find the meaning behind all the numbers you call forth into your daily physical experience! Don't just scratch the surface (333). I like to keep in mind that numbers are as infinite as you and I, and that we deal in numbers very close to the Source! Where positive and negative meet and are balanced at 0 (Neither positive or negative). -3,-2,-1,0, 1, 2, 3
Maybe you can help me with this little puzzle I've noticed. My number seems to be 333 but I had a dramatic dream that ended with the digital time 9:27 being seared into my memory along with the concept that this was more than just a time or a ratio, that it was somehow 333 in another form.
The obvious here is (3x3)x3, 9,27... but here I'm left scratching my chin and reaching for theories. I'd enjoy your thoughts on this,
(06-01-2011, 11:18 AM)Azrael Wrote: By natural addition, 927 becomes 18, and then 9. Which is the number reached when you take 333 and add it naturally. (Which is adding the numbers in the compound number together to reveal its "archetypal" numbers). Perhaps 9 is a number of note for you?
Much <3 Azrael!! Thanks for the brilliant input!!! I've just recently discovered these Bring4th forums (tho I have been seeking the Law of One since myy contact) and I've found more light and love in these threads than ANYWHERE I have searched before