05-23-2011, 10:52 AM
(05-23-2011, 04:04 AM)zack231 Wrote: I have felt the same thing I feel as though organised religion is coming to an end
I actually see the opposite happening. While many people are waking up and leaving organized religion, there is also a resurgence in organized religion. Just look at the huge mega-churches. Some have congregations of 30,000!!! Churches that big didn't exist 40 years ago. These are mostly the born-again variety, which is a new phenomenon that was in its infancy exist 40 or 50 years ago. At that time, people were even Catholics or Baptists or Lutheran or whatever. Those denominations still exist, but now we also have this new variety, the born-again, or what some call 'nondenominational' which is a misnomer because they have their own doctrine. So if you compare to 40 years ago, there are many, many more organized Christians in the US. And the members are even more rigidly dogmatic than the people in the traditional denominations. I see a polarizing going on, regarding organized religion.
(05-23-2011, 04:04 AM)zack231 Wrote: but people are at the same time becoming more loving to others without religion.
This is also true.
(05-23-2011, 04:04 AM)zack231 Wrote: While we are on the topic of the bible, I would like to know which section people think were influenced by the Orion Group...
Great idea! This should be interesting!
(05-23-2011, 04:04 AM)zack231 Wrote: Ill make a start Noahs Ark would have been influenced by the orion group, the Story of Isaac and his father where first God told him to kill his son to show his faith in him, and then just before he was about to do it angels told him he didnt need to do it and that God knows he has faith,
Most definitely! Notice how he didn't even question, being told to do a blood sacrifice ritual - something that is considered 'satanic' today - and the sacrifice was his own son!!! This indicates that his people were already into blood sacrifice, for him to accept it so readily. It also indicates control and submission, both STS attributes.
Bible believers have really had to stretch, to try to make sense of that one! Their explanation for it is very weak. What human father would 'test' the love of his adult son by asking him to kill his child (the grandchild)? That is sick, sick, sick!
And what kind of 'god' would require someone to do something so despicable? If we find it despicable for a human to do it, how is it 'ok' for a 'god' to do it?
It blows my mind that people don't question this.
(05-23-2011, 04:04 AM)zack231 Wrote: Anything to do with a burning bush as Ra said this was an Orion tactic. Now another question is do you think the events in the bible actually happened or they were brought through by prophets who were channeling both the confederation and Orion. I personally think the latter is correct, the only story I believe to be based on actual fact is Jesus.
Actually, my opinion is the opposite. I think the old testament is probably a very good historical record. In fact, Bible scholars have proven the historical accuracy of many of the events, by comparing to other historical records.
However, that doesn't make it 'the word of God'. It just means that a primitive tribe of people wrote down what they thought was 'God' after being visited by powerful, dark entities.
(05-23-2011, 04:04 AM)zack231 Wrote: Afterall Ra admited that two other books the book of "Oashpe" was transmitted by the confederation. And the "Urantia" book was transmitted by discarnate entities.
Much of the old testament was transmitted by STS entities, but there were humans who accepted the transmission and recorded it, as historical record.
The sad part is that, just because they thought it was 'God', now millions of people believe it too, just because they wrote it that way.
(05-23-2011, 04:04 AM)zack231 Wrote: What else in the bible do you think was influenced by the orion group??
Deuteronomy and Leviticus. All that stuff about the Israelites being the 'chosen' (elitism, bigotry) and being commanded by 'God' to invade the neighboring tribes and slaughter them (genocide) with explicit instructions to kill even the children (infanticide).
Also all that blood sacrifice stuff in Leviticus. If one were to read it without knowing it was from 'God' it would reek of a satanic black magick ritual.