05-20-2011, 09:16 AM
I dunno, just because he uses a similar word here and there and a vaguely matching concept in his theorectical construct, doesn't mean he has 'confirmed' something. The origins of string theory and obvious speculations about nature of time and parallel universes (i.e. parallel universes as multiple timelines and multiple frequencies) predate the Ra material. I agree we live in a infinite universe, but one of finite bounds defined by infinite potential realized. The infinite, subtle versions of the same person theory (as we see in Sliders, and other sci fi) is as questionable as the singularity. Ra's teachings probably line up more with theosophy than abstract quantum theory, and since Ra prefers to explain using the dialectical approach (As Hegel's period started), Larson's work would seem to have the most the potential for a closer match or 'lining up' (at this point).