07-09-2009, 03:24 PM
(07-09-2009, 01:44 PM)ayadew Wrote: Well, now you got me started on pirating
I cannot see downloading as stealing, for you are not stealing anything, you are merely copying - albeit stealing the profit from those who wants money. But money is separating, and I do not think in the ways of money paid = appreciation given. So I download, for I have no money. I have no interest in making money. Yet I give appreciation. I think, when I meet the people who created the things I download, they will not be angry, for money is only applicable on this planet and something extremely transient and humorous. Our friends in space are likely snickering to the folly and disservice we did to ourselves when we created these papers of imaginary value and meaning
Dearest friend ayadew,
Why do you think they call them Copyrights? Yes, according to the letter and intent of the intelectual property laws of our fine blue orb, copying something that is Copyrighted without permission is tantamount to stealing, and can result the 3D manifest portion of your mind/body/spirit complex being fined or imprisoned. Will it? Probably not, but I prefer not to temp fate.
The extent to which such actions run afoul of any cosmic laws has, IMHO, more to do with your intent and attitude and ability to forgive yourself. You seem to be on firmer ground here, but you are the ultimate judge.
As to the inherent humor and folly in monitary systems, I agree, but it is unfortunately the custom of the peoples here. "When in Rome", as they say.
3D Sunset