05-14-2011, 04:20 PM
Yes. My definition of Disclosure involves literal, physical.
Now, that's Disclosure, as I define it, not that I discount the other forms of contact. Its just that they are on an individual level, IMO. I certainly would appreciate an ET disclosing him/her self to me privately via any means. I have a pretty strict interpretation of what defines Disclosure with a capital D. Although, I suppose I would give some slack if any other method changed the global thinking to accepting ET and time/space as a given as sure as we all agree that wood burns.
I'm not concerned with any confusion it may cause. It wouldn't be any more confusing than catalysts of centuries past. If there is any room for doubt, then confusion would reign (as it pretty much does now). No, give it to me straight up and let the chips fall where they may.
Now, that's Disclosure, as I define it, not that I discount the other forms of contact. Its just that they are on an individual level, IMO. I certainly would appreciate an ET disclosing him/her self to me privately via any means. I have a pretty strict interpretation of what defines Disclosure with a capital D. Although, I suppose I would give some slack if any other method changed the global thinking to accepting ET and time/space as a given as sure as we all agree that wood burns.
I'm not concerned with any confusion it may cause. It wouldn't be any more confusing than catalysts of centuries past. If there is any room for doubt, then confusion would reign (as it pretty much does now). No, give it to me straight up and let the chips fall where they may.