07-09-2009, 10:03 AM
I use a technique to balance myself. It takes about 32 days to become encoded and part of your matrix. Holding onto that which no longer serves us is often a block to peace and balance. This causes us to create from memory rather than divine inspiration. We are magnificent creators. We create without even trying. We are born creating. The disconnect in this is we often create unconsciously. Where your thoughts and feeling go so goes your outer experience.
I recommend this technique very highly! --- fairyfarmgirl
Surrender, turn it over to God's Grace, and LET GO.
Here is a very effective and simple process of releasing, in three simple steps:
1. Activate the three Grace points in your hand. This is done by touching the center of your left palm, the midpoint between your forefinger and thumb , and the side of your hand (your fingers should form a line and feel comfortable in thier postion . Use three fingers, keep them in place and state: "I activate my Grace Points".
2. State: "I release_______________ (all that no longer serves me, all criticisms and judgments, all conflicting beliefs which interfere with my abundance, all emotional pain etc) into God's Grace" Wait and allow. This may take a few minutes, trust your visualizations and ask to be notified when it is complete(this will be a signal that is unmistakable to you I generally hear "it is done").
3. Then, state: "I Grace in ______________ (God's love, light, healing, self-acceptance, self-confidence, courage, understanding. compassionate wisdom, forgiveness, Joy, and Peace etc) to replace all that I have cleared, and so it is."
You can do this anytime, anywhere. It is recommended that you do so at least daily.
The next thing which is extremely important in stopping the karmic wheel from turning is to Call upon the Law of Forgiveness.
State from your heart: "I forgive anyone and anything that has hurt me, knowingly or unknowingly. I forgive myself for hurting anything or anyone (including myself), knowingly or unknowingly.
It is recommended that you perform this forgiveness three to four times each day, including just before sleep, for at least 32 consecutive days.
And, Call as follows: "Mighty I AM Presence" I call forth my supply with ease and grace now! (Do not say how this is to come to you.) Be open and have complete FAITH that it is on its way to you NOW.
Good Greetings All:
This is a link to a guided meditation that I did when I went to Global Eden Event last week. It is teaches self-forgiveness to self and also assists you in halting self-destructive thoughts and emotions. We create with our thoughts and emotions. We create everything we experience. This is difficult and challenging to accept because we have forgotten that we are magnificient creators. The time to remember this is now. The guided meditation was created by Anna Casper. Breathing Magic Into Forgiveness
© 2008 Anna Casper Anna headshot
This guided visualization CD guides you to the keys that unlock your personal freedom through the power of self-forgiveness.
The tracks are...
1 Intro 2 Breathing the Magic of Color 3 Magic Carpet Ride Into Forgiveness
Recommended if you like ...
Barry Goldstein
Achieve balance and personal freedom through the power of self-forgiveness!
Feel with your heart as the magic of forgiveness transforms your life experience from one of inner conflict to one of inner harmony, balance, and peace!
Using sacred ambient music and tuning forks, we cleanse, clarify, and purify your energy system into a state of white light by Breathing the Magic of Color through the chakra system.
Now that you've created the space for blissful magic to occur in your life experience, relax and revitalize as you take the Magic Carpet Ride into Forgiveness to a place deep within your heart. Discover freedom, focus, creative flow, and a deeper connection with your inner being.
Anna Casper is a visionary, artist, and Reiki healer. "What healing comes down to is the relationship one has with one's self. I am committed to my personal mastery. Peace in the world will happen as we stop reacting to our conscious and subconscious woundedness; when we find inner peace. As I shift and become more conscious of truth, love, and forgiveness in all situations, the world around me shifts." Transform inner conflict to inner peace! The guided visualizations in "Breathing Magic Into Forgiveness" assist you to achieve balance and personal freedom through the power of self-forgiveness.
Here are the links: amcasper@tds.net http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cGs8vtjDxxY
I recommend this technique very highly! --- fairyfarmgirl
Surrender, turn it over to God's Grace, and LET GO.
Here is a very effective and simple process of releasing, in three simple steps:
1. Activate the three Grace points in your hand. This is done by touching the center of your left palm, the midpoint between your forefinger and thumb , and the side of your hand (your fingers should form a line and feel comfortable in thier postion . Use three fingers, keep them in place and state: "I activate my Grace Points".
2. State: "I release_______________ (all that no longer serves me, all criticisms and judgments, all conflicting beliefs which interfere with my abundance, all emotional pain etc) into God's Grace" Wait and allow. This may take a few minutes, trust your visualizations and ask to be notified when it is complete(this will be a signal that is unmistakable to you I generally hear "it is done").
3. Then, state: "I Grace in ______________ (God's love, light, healing, self-acceptance, self-confidence, courage, understanding. compassionate wisdom, forgiveness, Joy, and Peace etc) to replace all that I have cleared, and so it is."
You can do this anytime, anywhere. It is recommended that you do so at least daily.
The next thing which is extremely important in stopping the karmic wheel from turning is to Call upon the Law of Forgiveness.
State from your heart: "I forgive anyone and anything that has hurt me, knowingly or unknowingly. I forgive myself for hurting anything or anyone (including myself), knowingly or unknowingly.
It is recommended that you perform this forgiveness three to four times each day, including just before sleep, for at least 32 consecutive days.
And, Call as follows: "Mighty I AM Presence" I call forth my supply with ease and grace now! (Do not say how this is to come to you.) Be open and have complete FAITH that it is on its way to you NOW.
Good Greetings All:
This is a link to a guided meditation that I did when I went to Global Eden Event last week. It is teaches self-forgiveness to self and also assists you in halting self-destructive thoughts and emotions. We create with our thoughts and emotions. We create everything we experience. This is difficult and challenging to accept because we have forgotten that we are magnificient creators. The time to remember this is now. The guided meditation was created by Anna Casper. Breathing Magic Into Forgiveness
© 2008 Anna Casper Anna headshot
This guided visualization CD guides you to the keys that unlock your personal freedom through the power of self-forgiveness.
The tracks are...
1 Intro 2 Breathing the Magic of Color 3 Magic Carpet Ride Into Forgiveness
Recommended if you like ...
Barry Goldstein
Achieve balance and personal freedom through the power of self-forgiveness!
Feel with your heart as the magic of forgiveness transforms your life experience from one of inner conflict to one of inner harmony, balance, and peace!
Using sacred ambient music and tuning forks, we cleanse, clarify, and purify your energy system into a state of white light by Breathing the Magic of Color through the chakra system.
Now that you've created the space for blissful magic to occur in your life experience, relax and revitalize as you take the Magic Carpet Ride into Forgiveness to a place deep within your heart. Discover freedom, focus, creative flow, and a deeper connection with your inner being.
Anna Casper is a visionary, artist, and Reiki healer. "What healing comes down to is the relationship one has with one's self. I am committed to my personal mastery. Peace in the world will happen as we stop reacting to our conscious and subconscious woundedness; when we find inner peace. As I shift and become more conscious of truth, love, and forgiveness in all situations, the world around me shifts." Transform inner conflict to inner peace! The guided visualizations in "Breathing Magic Into Forgiveness" assist you to achieve balance and personal freedom through the power of self-forgiveness.
Here are the links: amcasper@tds.net http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cGs8vtjDxxY