05-06-2011, 03:16 PM
I think of the Trinity when it comes to the sexual facets. I mean, sex to begin is like gender, male, female, androgynous. Also, like Ahktu said way earlier in the thread heterosexuality, homosexuality and bisexuality form a similar sort of trinity. We can consider the number of different interactions between those of different "sexual polarities". Are those who are bisexual simply undecided here in the density of choice? I agree that Love is above any such distinctions, however, as macrocosm, microcosm, our physical form of sex is of course simply a reflection of timeless union. In the same way we can increase our sexual energies by learning more about the way they work, drawing ever closer to a pure union. I would note Tantric practices here, perhaps the orgies of the Greeks, these expressions of endless Love are looked upon with distaste in the modern world, but why? I understand it is efficient for there to be monogamy, loyalty and partnership is incredibly valuable, but for those whom do not see that desire why must they limit themselves?
I'd say I'm 'straight' as a preference, but am fairly open to experimentation, I have certainly been a male many times I believe. Sexuality has always been a bit of a strange thing for me, I too have felt the sexual energies towards all sorts of things, even ideas and concepts and have often suppressed this believing it to be unnatural. However, the thought of sexual energy and experience does not mean that there is any requirement to actually do these things, but I think I would note it can be very releasing/balancing to experience a sexual fantasy. I think it's good to let your mind run its course, otherwise the thoughts will get "backed up" and can overtake you in strange ways.
I'd say I'm 'straight' as a preference, but am fairly open to experimentation, I have certainly been a male many times I believe. Sexuality has always been a bit of a strange thing for me, I too have felt the sexual energies towards all sorts of things, even ideas and concepts and have often suppressed this believing it to be unnatural. However, the thought of sexual energy and experience does not mean that there is any requirement to actually do these things, but I think I would note it can be very releasing/balancing to experience a sexual fantasy. I think it's good to let your mind run its course, otherwise the thoughts will get "backed up" and can overtake you in strange ways.