Invisible if the 4D entity chooses not to manifest 1D chemicals. 4D entities can also be invisible to sight, but manifest an 'astral' form which would be visible to 3D 3rd-eye, but may go unnoticed if not sensitive to that vibration. Or they may still be invisible but leave a static electrical charge. Or someone can always furnish 'ectoplasm'.
Evolution of body tends to follow evolution of mind. Evolution of mind follows from the development of consciousness, which follows from experience and will.
(04-26-2011, 02:41 PM)hogey11 Wrote: How could this evolution start to show itself? By electrical, are we talking and extension or upgrade of the nervous system?The 2D genetic properties still work the same, apparently. However, the selection of material from which to aggregate a body starts coming less from the '1D sphere' and more from the '4D sphere'. 4D material is higher-consciousness material apparently, and while stuck in the 2D form, can be guided to optionally manifest heavier 1D chemicals.
Evolution of body tends to follow evolution of mind. Evolution of mind follows from the development of consciousness, which follows from experience and will.