(04-25-2011, 07:04 PM)3DMonkey Wrote: ...sees all things as love...even murder
I think I'm beginning to see why there is misunderstanding. My perception of what you're saying is that if one loves another, then they would accept everything the other-self offers. If the other-self offers them heroin, or offers sex, or offers to kill them, or whatever, one must accept the other-self's offer, no matter what.
Am I understanding you correctly?
Whereas, I am saying, one can love the other-self, while, at the same time, declining their offer of violence, drugs, or whatever it is they're offering.
Previously, the example was given wherein Ra stated that they had refused the service of the STS entity. Would Ra then be accused of not being loving, or of controlling the STS entity?
That quote seems to have been ignored.
(04-25-2011, 07:04 PM)3DMonkey Wrote: The LOO is full of neutral/stagnant polarization examples
That doesn't mean that every situation can be neatly categorized. We cannot assume from that, that the man on the island isn't polarizing. He might choose to spend those months or years on the island to do some serious reflection, and forgive many people, thus polarizing.
(04-25-2011, 07:04 PM)3DMonkey Wrote: I am jumping in to defend a hypothetical murderer for his right to murder with compassion for his viewpoint
I have compassion for the murderer. But I would never agree that he has the right to murder an other-self. He might choose to do so, and thus polarize negatively. That's not the same as having the right to impose on the free will of another.
I believe in the adage, One person's freedom ends where another's begins.
(04-25-2011, 07:04 PM)3DMonkey Wrote: As I see it, the only way to disallow their dominance would be to not be dominated. The only way to not be dominated would be to see the love in the situation and not the need to manipulate or control the other in response. I think you and Monica are using a justification that does not incorporate true love.
You're saying that we lack true love, and that I am close to murdering the murderer, etc. but have not responded to the points I made in response to your points.
Thus, I have nothing to add, without just repeating myself.
(04-25-2011, 07:02 PM)drifting pages Wrote: By the scenario you built up every other entity that is sto must help and defend the so called victims , Yet that is precisely what the above densities do not do.
Hi drifting pages and welcome to B4!
The above densities don't interfere unless called, because 3D is veiled.
(04-25-2011, 07:02 PM)drifting pages Wrote: They radiate their love/being and they teach when they are called but they can't and won't bend infinity towards their perspective it is impossible.
Right. Ra also stated that they decline the offer from STS entities.
(04-25-2011, 07:02 PM)drifting pages Wrote: It feels to me rather foolish to try to stop infinity's (awareness) exploration of everything that can be explored
Every choice we make affects Infinity's exploration. Inaction is also a choice.