06-24-2009, 05:21 PM
(06-20-2009, 12:50 PM)Unu Wrote:(06-20-2009, 10:49 AM)Taha Wrote: Good game though!
Can you convert "Good game though!" matematically so we all understand your explicit statement?
I personally dislike it. Anyway. Because I see it his nature with my eyes.
I personally don't like conclusion at all.
I personally find that a same frequency statement is:
"indeed! and pigs fly!"
....and I personally find it useless to a sharing of constructive body exchange.
So, please, if possible refrain nextime to offer me these "no consideration".
Because I lack in the body understanding to not offer my TrueBodyListening to what should not. In this case, your statement.
And here, I'm am to listening to ones who comes here, with my body so I can advance in my knowledge of myself.
Beyond all, I'm not offering my trought here. I'm not offering my light. I offer my body to your and mine spiritual advance. And that should be respected.
Everyone who offer his body or/and his mind should be respected.
Is not the same than sharing Trought/Creativity/Intuition
Is not the same than sharing Light/Spirit/Wisdom
It as a sacramental nature that everyone who consider himself Spiritual should understand. Everyone who consider himself Spiritual should ear now the truth of my words in the bottom of his body.
This must understand and developed if one want to gain the Harvest.
The ones who will not understand that, will not ascend.
I offer you my personal word based on my knowledge because I know, on it.
It's not only a simply a word. Is my body knowledge. Feel it. And then choice.
And that is, for me, the main teaching of Christ.
This is the way to be as Christ.
Beyond all. Not exange Trought.
Beyond all. Not exange Light.
Beyond all. Exange Body.
The ones who doesn't exange thier Body but contact Body of others in their communication, are not ready to be harvested.
They fail in the most vital aspect of life.
You can have a lot of Troughts.
You can have a lot of light.
If you have no SacramentalBody at all, you will repeat all again.
Please, be all aware.
This is what you should consider a 7' Denisity nature advice.
Try to convert it to Ra Teachings for all of you brothers who search, a correct statement would be that you need at least 3'-7' density understaning/love to gain harvest.
You should refrain to give time to Troughts.
You should refrain to give time to Light.
You should search your Body. The Body. Time left, is few. Very few.
Search others from the Body. The TrueBody.
I could say more, But I will not. Is not necessary to TrueSpiritual Advance.
Please, search your Body.
Hope you will find your path.
I'll leave you a message to the one mentally gifted.
Search the TrueMind and find the Creator.
You will not find him with Troughts.
You will not find him with Lights.
You will not find him with Body.
Only TrueMind can find the TrueCreator. And the Creator is TrueMind himself.
Be aware. He is aware. You can't contact him without consider him an entity like yourself, I could say.
...and is aware is body, is son, too. And are two different entities and one at the same time.
Christ is the BodyStream himself and will personally return at the end of the cicle.
You can't be sure of nothing. Remember.
"Midsteps in dark are easy" Ra said.
and Trought and Light, without TrueBody and TrueMind. Are Darkness.
Confederation teachings are offer to sharing TrueBody understanding.
They don't know all. They are in their path. Rememeber it.
No one can truly understand Christ without TrueChristConscience. Them too. They haven't it.
They can obtain information on Christ only based on thier understanding like everyone else.
To be clear, they consider myself a teacher to them and are aware of my status of awareness. So I am in charge to speak.
A least advice for the MindGifted. (Jim McCarty you can get it. I'm sure you will.)
If Christ is the Gateway himself, then an Infinite TrueWhite throught the Creator contact the Spirit, should not trasmutate his beign to a lower density to have the possibility to interact with others?
If he then is set is presence on 5' dimension...
....should this compromise is deep nature of ONE and ONLY 8'dimension entity?
There is only one 8'D Entity. And he is one and trine.
And could some one from a lower dimension be able to truly understand himself if he doesn't want or can be invisible like confederation to you?
Ask yourself. Is matemathical, for the logic gifted. You can get the point too.
Jim you know this. And when I say you know, I don't mean by trought, I don't mean by light, I mean your mind know. Teach it. You can.
And to you, Carla, wich you have TrueBody understanding in you, feel why we aren't like Christ. In a deep understanding of this statement.
You can get it at 100%...why you limit yourself get it at 70%?
Feel the deep reason of the Cross.
If me, you, or everybody else go "Crossed" is not the same. The Gateway is the answer. And the gateway is him.
There is a deep karmic relation in the Cross choice. Christ knowed what he has done and if we are here today as humanity, is really for is act. If not, Humanity would be karmically/naturally swifted out...again...at that time.
You could say: he gived his "relative" life, for ours.
He is immortal. And only him has some ability in the creation. I have had direct contact with him so I know perfectly is frequency/radiation. On Earth there is no one that is no near to a 20% of TrueChristCoscience in his TrueSelf.
Me neither. And I'm 7' Density. I'm pretty big if you could see me in the universe. I'm a Galaxy. So trust me. Christ is Christ. He his the whole body universe. Go on in your undestanding of him.
And this is crucial to you.
No one should neither consider to assume a compassionate (cross) attitude putting him/herself in the Gateway Point. No one should put himself in the Gateway Point with an attitude to be him. No one should put himself in the Gateway with is body, and mind. Period.
TrueMind understanding says "we are not the Gateway".
TrueBody understanding says "we can be one with the Gateway".
TrueSpirit understanding says "we can be touched by the Gateway."
TrueTrought understanding says "I am part of the Gateway."
You will smile to me, a future day, for these tips.
Only your trought and light should contact Gateway. And with a respect attitude. (that YOU have Carla. Not all here folks. Be aware. Teach them.)
Jim doesn't have the same experience has you on this point of view. But he is MindGifted. And be MindGifted mean be in direct contact with the TrueCreator himself. This happen only if the entity is a true devote/servant of the Creator in his personal aspect.
Adonai doesn't gift himself to the ones not advanced enough. For the simple fact that is the entity will in first to not want to knowing personally him. So he step aside.
Of course Adonai is just one of his names.
A note for the TroubleMinded.
I'm a 7'D Entity. I'm a Galaxy. I can Spiritual Consciously sharp myself in anyway I want for my Spiritual purpose like every 7'D Entity. You will never understand me. You can't really contact me if I don't want. Don't lose your precious time.
Indeed you can come visit me following the footsteps I leaved here. I can't and I don't want refrain you to do it.
But if you will search me with TroubleIntentions I'll set on you some good catalyst for work like a Parents to a Son. You would find me, from your limited point of view, a bit sadist on this point. I'm pretty severe. So don't do it. I karmically know all of everyone of you. Doesn't matter you aren't part of me but of another logos. We logoi are pretty in good contact and we have our "wanted" list of the more caotics and dangerous crazy entity there are around.
From many of us:
Said in the name of all of us that has a warroir nature, "we'll kick your a$$ if you touch ours planets/sons too much."
Better you go hide yourself in the galaxy of the more compassionates logoi. Trust me. We are badasses with badones. Mercyfully with hearted ones. Full of Service with Servants. Full of Patiences with Humble ones.
.....Adonai is not different than Us. He is all. So is a warrior too. Don't stretch the line too much, cause he is very drastic when he is tired.
Try consider this line "negative phylosophy" and I'll personally take care of your insolence and ignorance.
And who is speaking here is SpiritStream himself.
The Great Master of all logoi.
Call me Buddha if you like. Call me John the Apostle if you like. Call me Leonardo da Vinci if you like. Were always me. I have come down on earth a lot of time.
Cause I'll come down on earth again very soon, be aware I'll come visit all the ones without respect for the creator and ask for explanations. Upon them, I'll decide your next lessons cause I'm in charge to do so, in creation. A lot of you need to grow so much, my friends.
This is again me, my personal message:
To the humble people who are reading, you're welcome in me. Come whenever you want and I'll serve you as I can.
For Spiritual reason, my personal sharing on this forum end here.
I have already give you all I had, and a lot more with the helps of my brothers and sisters logoi and the GreatMaster.
P.S. There could be grammatical error or words omitted. The message is understandable anyway for the ones who have "eyes to see", like Christ use to say so I will not adjust it. Take care.
I would have thought the need to boast would have been left behind in 3D…..silly me.