(05-14-2009, 02:21 PM)Ali Quadir Wrote: Currently in Australia the antivax movement is picking up strength. Their specific argument that kids can get autism for it has been proven wrong again, and again.
I would LOVE for someone to find a child with autism having no vaccinations. For some reason people only look at the percentages of children that were vaccinated and don't have autism. How about the percentage of people that have survived a game of russian roulette? Would you think people that didn't survive most likely got that bullet from some other source?
My son got one of those multivax and had the most confused look on his face about 1 or 2 minutes after. Then he quit talking for about 3 years. He was able to say "hungry" only a few weeks old and could talk clearly at a couple months. I think it was around 5 months that he got the jab. My daughter has had no vaccines and she catches cold about 2 weeks later than my son or I and its milder and passes in half the time.
The USA will have an increase in viruses and disease not because more people do not vaccinate but because we have opened the floodgates of immigration. I personally moved 1300 miles away from an area that was going to get out of hand concerning immigration because it was in the best interests of my children. I'm in a town of around 5000 in a farming community. I find it interesting how many of the people here don't care about vaccines. I work with a few retirement age that never got any vaccines. They also don't care about nutrition.
I don't want to sound too negative but really if you are worried about health just eat organic raw fruit and vegetables that are mostly grown by yourself or farmed in the USA.
BTW are there vaccines for leprosy?