(06-19-2009, 10:15 AM)Richard Wrote: For spiritual conversation, perhaps being aware of each chakra is enough….or maybe just using the names of color (i.e. blue, green etc..) and let each interpret whatever that mean to them?
Yes it could be enought for conversation.
Under a converstation point of view, the only flaw could be on the terminological aspect (if my theory is right).
This topic was originally born to be related on, what I call maybe using a inadeguate term (I need to check about it), a magnetic point of view. But I have no problem directing it where we want, together.
TrueMagnetism. I should call. That's not the same that Magnetism.
Cause two of our 3'D magnets attract himself spontaniously, but without selfawareness. They need to be in thier range. They can't search for them self. They can't move.
The Magnetism I'm talking about, has selfawareness, and not only that propriety but all the ones of the Octave.
So I don't agree with the statement: "everyone has is own perception".
Under that perception what I could call "a matemathical matrix" and to be analized I think is vital starting analisys from the Dimension/Density/TrueColor it originally manifest.
Hope is enough clear. I'll try to be more accurate, if not.
I'll use a new term from now.
This will mean: True = all Octave Faculties
TrueMagnetism = Magnetism with perfect awareness, from 1' to 8' Density/Dimension.
I have problably give, conversationally speaking, to much datas for oblivious. So, my fault.
I indeed search only "true" aspect of things because if one can get that "True" aspect, can get every "Relative Aspect".
So, anther equation is:
True = 8' Density awareness/BlackStream (<- for me is Black)
Relative = all the rest.
A last tip (of course these are my considerations/teories/all the rest):
8'DBlack is where all come from and will return. Mind
8'DWhite is where all start and finish. Body
7'DGray is where all manifest. Spirit
So if we would be correct we should, at least unconsciosly, consider 1'...
...always 8'. First and Last. Alpha and Omega.
(06-19-2009, 09:34 AM)Sirius Wrote: The second coming of christ, which I think your referring to at the end is figurative.
Yes. I know this point of view. I had consider it on my studies too for some times.
Now I'm more oriented on, based on my personal experiences, as I said:
Christ - Gateway - TrueWhite.
it perfetcly make sense it will return at the end of the cicle.
I'm not as special as Christ.
a lot of our actual trought comprension about him are wrongs, or simple, incomplete.
"at the end is figurative" - False
"at the end could be figurative" - True
This one is interesting too:
trought comprension is limited.
light comprension is limited.
Spiritual comprension is illimited
trought comprension is not Spiritual
light comprension is not Spiritual.
Spiritual comprension is Spiritual.
so, cause I follow this hypotesis, I do not rely only on them.
Ah...for me we use associate Spiritual to Light. And should not be do cause Light is Material too.
Spiritual should be adeguate only to Gateway/Intelligent Infinity understanding.
To me more clear, I try this path:
TrueTrought(love) Material
TrueSpirit(light) Material
TrueBody(beyond duality) Spiritual
TrueMind(beyond duality) Spiritual
TrueSpiritual concepts = beyond any form of duality
Of course, this is just my personal opinion.