(06-19-2009, 09:34 AM)Sirius Wrote: There are seven octaves within each chakra no?
I am getting fairly confused as to how these colours a meriting deffinitions?
The second coming of christ, which I think your referring to at the end is figurative.
The way I have come to understand it is the second coming is your personal rememberance, you remember that you are as special as jesus, and is therefore through your realization the second coming.
Love and Light
Color is subjective in any case. A lot of people are slightly color blind. I’m slightly deficient in the ranges of blue/green and pink/orange ranges. It is going to be difficult to actually describe the variances to each other with any degree of accuracy. Even if we were to speak of color as wavelengths of frequencies, there is still a range.
For spiritual conversation, perhaps being aware of each chakra is enough….or maybe just using the names of color (i.e. blue, green etc..) and let each interpret whatever that mean to them? Again, its pretty subjective. In my case, I visualize each color/chakra then have each color bloom into a blinding white light as I work my way up. I find it easier to maintain a visualization of a column of incandescent, white spinning globes than maintaining a column of seven separate colors.