04-13-2011, 07:54 PM
I've usually desired older men for the maturity factor. Every relationship I've had with a guy younger than me has broken off, in part, due to his childish behavior and his wanting me to be his mom. Not that I haven't met young men who were very mature. I've also met men who were quite older than me that still acted like toddlers, but when I go for older guys, it usually has to do with their ability to manage grown up life instead of expecting mommy to pamper them and clean up their messes, not their experience in bed.
I really have no desire whatsoever to have children, and am lucky to have a husband who accepts that, so kids really don't factor into my marriage at all. I can't even fathom the thought of having kids running around...to me that would be a nightmare I couldn't escape from.
I don't see why sex can't be viewed from both a biological and metaphysical viewpoint. I don't think anyone can argue that there isn't a biological component to sex...if we didn't have it, there would be no people, and obviously the fact that it induces feelings of pleasure helps in persuading us to breed. If it felt awful, people would be a lot more reluctant to do it.
Still, how can two people be so intimately connected and NOT experience metaphysical repercussions? Ra goes on for pages and pages about the metaphysical benefits/downfalls of sex. If I remember correctly, they described the fact that children are conceived through sex as more of a happy side effect, with the main focus being on the metaphysical component. Our Logos was just clever enough to stick it all together and give us one big, super amazing catalyst to experience on multiple levels at once...a form of speed learning, in my opinion.
Quite a few people can have sex their whole lives and not give a single thought to the spiritual qualities of their actions, but for those who realize its sacredness, this act of Creator knowing Itself opens up a whole new world of joy and communion. I believe this is one example of what Ra speaks of when they mention "seeking the jewel"...
I totally agree that a relationship with sex as its main focus is likely to fail. No matter how great it is, sex isn't a band-aid that can be placed over the hurts that come from disregarding each other's feelings, lack of honest communication and conflict of interests. If it was supposed to be that way, we would probably have genitals instead of mouths. Sex is one tool in the toolbox of seeking. You can't fix a complex machine with a single tool, but having that tool at the right time can certainly make a world of difference.
I really have no desire whatsoever to have children, and am lucky to have a husband who accepts that, so kids really don't factor into my marriage at all. I can't even fathom the thought of having kids running around...to me that would be a nightmare I couldn't escape from.
I don't see why sex can't be viewed from both a biological and metaphysical viewpoint. I don't think anyone can argue that there isn't a biological component to sex...if we didn't have it, there would be no people, and obviously the fact that it induces feelings of pleasure helps in persuading us to breed. If it felt awful, people would be a lot more reluctant to do it.
Still, how can two people be so intimately connected and NOT experience metaphysical repercussions? Ra goes on for pages and pages about the metaphysical benefits/downfalls of sex. If I remember correctly, they described the fact that children are conceived through sex as more of a happy side effect, with the main focus being on the metaphysical component. Our Logos was just clever enough to stick it all together and give us one big, super amazing catalyst to experience on multiple levels at once...a form of speed learning, in my opinion.
Quite a few people can have sex their whole lives and not give a single thought to the spiritual qualities of their actions, but for those who realize its sacredness, this act of Creator knowing Itself opens up a whole new world of joy and communion. I believe this is one example of what Ra speaks of when they mention "seeking the jewel"...
I totally agree that a relationship with sex as its main focus is likely to fail. No matter how great it is, sex isn't a band-aid that can be placed over the hurts that come from disregarding each other's feelings, lack of honest communication and conflict of interests. If it was supposed to be that way, we would probably have genitals instead of mouths. Sex is one tool in the toolbox of seeking. You can't fix a complex machine with a single tool, but having that tool at the right time can certainly make a world of difference.