03-31-2011, 09:12 AM
(03-31-2011, 03:43 AM)abridgetoofar Wrote: I also feel the nature of galaxies merging in a Logoic sense can only be speculated on. Perhaps it is as harmonious (or disharmonious) as a 4D social memory merging. Perhaps it isn't similar at all. If you are aware of any Ra or Q'uo comments about the concept, it might bring some conclusion, otherwise, my curiosity on the nature of this merging will probably persist for good.
in regard to creation start, creation end, ra says existence recapitulates in the reverse order it came into being, towards one central sun.
since all existence manifests over the same basic ruleset, the mechanics of merger should be same or similar in all cases.
where consciousness merges and harmonizes in one level of existence, it cant be possible that there cannot occur such a merger and harmonization in a greater scale.