Hi 3DM
Still haven't mastered the quotation button so this question will take some time to answer
...just kidding, seems like "instant shift into a lightbody" while still here on earth for some: David Wilcock as I understood it, or making this transition after a "normal" passing: Carla, is the main difference as to how they interpret Ra...
Carla adresses this question in the video where she's being interviewed by James Gilliand, look it up on the Homepage.
On the other hand Ra says that this dimension 3D "is not for understanding" so as for me i try to not think about it. I mean if I was convinced i would instantaneosly shift into a lightbody in 2012 a lot of mundane things would become unimportant so...
...i just plant my tree as if Mother Earth would go on forever, and she will anyway of course, tree or not...
Still haven't mastered the quotation button so this question will take some time to answer

Carla adresses this question in the video where she's being interviewed by James Gilliand, look it up on the Homepage.
On the other hand Ra says that this dimension 3D "is not for understanding" so as for me i try to not think about it. I mean if I was convinced i would instantaneosly shift into a lightbody in 2012 a lot of mundane things would become unimportant so...
...i just plant my tree as if Mother Earth would go on forever, and she will anyway of course, tree or not...