03-31-2011, 03:43 AM
(03-30-2011, 06:49 PM)unity100 Wrote: ................
We draw different conclusions from Ra's words about most of these things. What I view as clearly implied, you may not, and vice versa.
One thing to note, though, is that later in the session where Ra says 4D beings spend learn/teaching time within their density, it is implied and even stated that Ra meant this simply due to the 4D sphere not being ready for other density habitation. Almost every single 4D channeled being I have studied constantly comments on the fact that part of their lessons in 4D are reaching out to 3D worlds in compassion, learning of the varieties of love capable within creation. The fact that mental and spiritual pain can result from compassion for other entities, even 3D entities, is no question to me.
I also feel the nature of galaxies merging in a Logoic sense can only be speculated on. Perhaps it is as harmonious (or disharmonious) as a 4D social memory merging. Perhaps it isn't similar at all. If you are aware of any Ra or Q'uo comments about the concept, it might bring some conclusion, otherwise, my curiosity on the nature of this merging will probably persist for good.
The only frontier that has ever existed is the self.
The only frontier that has ever existed is the self.