(03-17-2011, 09:28 PM)3DMonkey Wrote: Nice
I see all the same things, and I draw the conclusion that Ra was speaking precisely about physical death. Ra must be loving this. It's funny- you quote Ra to support your view I read it equally supporting my view.
Another thought I have- ra must be talking about a very specific 2D body that was used for us. Otherwise, I can only conclude that a mouse, or a hummingbird, must be extremely self aware because of it's strength. A horse must be extremely ignorant because those beautiful beasts epitomize strength. We both know this isn't this case.
Why do you think it would have to be a specific body?
We know how 2D bodies kind of work from our scientific research on evolution and ecology. The self-aware part is only gifted by 3D entities to those 2D lifeforms that are given "personalities", if you will. These pets and such then are able to appreciate 3D, also participating in things like abstract thought. An example would be a socialized family dog's reaction to a stranger compared to a feral dog's. The socialized dog would most likely welcome the human presence, offering itself in hopes of food or play. This is an abstract thought to a wild dog's mind, who would keep its distance, flank to the sides and behind, and generally not trust anything about the human. This is the difference between 2D and 2D/3D, imo.
We are now in a place where we have 3D and 3D/4D. One of the most descriptive thing that Ra mentions about these entities with 3D/4D bodies is that they are rich in compassion; in other words, they are partially 4D (density of love), just as our pets are partially 3D (self-aware animals). If I take the previous density as a footprint, I see our evolution into 4D happening much the same way, but rather than the sowing of confusion, it will be the proliferation of love and understanding. This will build on our current world rather than destroy it. The reason we must "die" is because we will no longer be held back.