(03-16-2011, 07:33 AM)3DMonkey Wrote: I think the yellow ray plane Earth has everything to do with our bodies. I think our bodies are 3D bodies. I don't think we have 2D bodies. If it were logical to say we have 2D bodies, it would be just as logical to say we have 1D bodies, or that a 2D entity has a 1D body, or that a 4D entity has a 3D body. This is not correct. What does it mean to live in Third Density- look in the mirror, you have a 3D body.
In all the times Ra mentions 3D death as necessary, ra says to the questioner "as you define death." Ra does define death as the shedding of the the space/time vehicle and the entry into time/space. Any reference to death relative to harvest, Ra clearly relates death "as the questioner views death." So, it's never a matter of Ra's perspective of the necessary death. It is what humans consider death to be that will occur.
I have to respectfully disagree. Here is why:
Quote:48.8 The red-ray body is your chemical body. However, it is not the body which you have as clothing in the physical. It is the unconstructed material of the body, the elemental body without form. This basic unformed material body is important to understand for there are healings which may be carried out by the simple understanding of the elements present in the physical vehicle.
The orange-ray body is the physical body complex. This body complex is still not the body you inhabit but rather the body formed without self-awareness, the body in the womb before the spirit/mind complex enters. This body may live without the inhabitation of the mind and spirit complexes. However, it seldom does so.
The yellow-ray body is your physical vehicle which you know of at this time and in which you experience catalyst. This body has the mind/body/spirit characteristics and is equal to the physical illusion, as you have called it.
The green-ray body is that body which may be seen in séance when what you call ectoplasm is furnished. This is a lighter body packed more densely with life. You may call this the astral body following some other teachings. Others have called this same body the etheric body. However, this is not correct in the sense that the etheric body is that body of gateway wherein intelligent energy is able to mold the mind/body/spirit complex.
Quote:When the third-density goes out of activation and into potentiation that will leave us with a planet that is first, second, and fourth-density. At that time there will be no activated third-density vibrations on this planet. Am I correct in assuming that all third-density vibrations on this planet now are those vibrations that compose the bodily complexes of entities such as we are; that that is the sum total of third-density vibrations on this planet at this time?
Ra: I am Ra. (blah blah blah instrument stuff).
To answer your query, this is incorrect only in that in addition to the mind/body/spirit complexes of third-density there are the artifacts, thought-forms, and feelings which these co-Creators have produced. This is third-density.
Looking at the first quote, we get a definition of each density from Ra. We know from other questions that each density supersedes all the densities below it, so even in our 3D bodies, we are still 1D and 2D in activation as well.
From the second quote, we find out that 3D and 4D are somehow incompatible. They "switch out" for each other once the 100-700 year "transition period" ends, and the yellow sphere/plane falls off, so to say.
From here, I start to argue semantics. Take Ra's description of the yellow sphere for example; He clearly states it as the "physical vehicle which you know of at this time and in which you experience catalyst." I could look at this shallowly and conclude that this means simply that - our physical selves. However, I read it differently, as a differentiation between how it is now and how it will be in 4D. I don't think 4D will be much about the physical world or about using the physical world to experience catalyst, and I think this is the distinction that is being made. Ra claims nearly all the catalyst experienced in 4D is spiritual/emotional in nature, rather than physical. Only at the end of 4D is a "spiritual weariness" experienced.
This idea is supported, imo, by the mention that "the artifacts, thought-forms, and feelings which these co-Creators have produced" will be out of activation as well as our 3D bodies at the time 4D comes into full activation. I think what Ra is saying here is that the buildings/infrastructure we've built will not be useful anymore. The machines and inventions we've built will have no use. The feelings of confusion inherent to 3D will also go. It will be a cataclysm; but one where everything remains rather than perishes.
Again, I have no problem with the 3D world going away. I think it will. In real-world terms, what if graduation is purely being able to deal with 4D and the changes it brings? Ra claims that in 4D thought becomes thing. If you are a fearful, selfish person, what is going to come into your 4D reality? Good things or bad? When 4D hits, thinking like we're still in 3D may be dangerous, and it may be what separates those who cycle and those who graduate. Can you trust everyone other than yourself (ie 51% STO) rather than "look out for number 1"?