03-14-2011, 08:57 AM
Quote:Japanese reactor operators now have little choice but to periodically release radioactive steam as part of an emergency cooling process for the fuel of the stricken reactors that may continue for a year or more even after fission has stopped. The plant’s operator must constantly try to flood the reactors with seawater, then release the resulting radioactive steam into the atmosphere, several experts familiar with the design of the Daiichi facility said.
Yesterday evening, at my job, I saw positive effects of this happening. (I am not saying that this event is "positive"). There were several debates/programs about what happening in Japan on television. Dying patients in the hospice where I work watched these programs. This event is a big topic of conversation not only in Sweden but throughout the whole world, even in long distance parts, geographically speaking. And then I saw it - it makes people to care! People actually care! About each other! About this Earth! On my Facebook I saw people that have sent healing to Japan for instance, discussing and talking about it. And though I am not saying that this event is positive, it unites people! It actually does!
Til yesterday I've been almost annoyed by things like this, thinking that why nag about it when there is very little we can do? But now I see it, that people choose to care! Yet being heavily veiled they choose to show love for people they don't know, they manifest compassion and all these 4D+ vibrations we are talking about here. This Earth is not entering any wisdom light yet, unity, She enters compassion/love light and you see it even in this somewhat "sick" situation.