03-11-2011, 12:36 PM
(03-11-2011, 12:13 PM)Bring4th_Aaron Wrote: At the risk of farther derailing the thread...![]()
I actually am wondering where this whole "Video games are evil." sentiment came from! I went back and searched every page of the "slackers" thread for instances of the word "evil" to find that phrase. And the only time any mention was made directly of video games being evil was a non-serious comment by BlatzAdict: "actually 3DMonkey.. Super Mario Bros. 3 IS evil... lololol" (provided with link to funny video)
Nobody ever said video games were evil in that thread. (or even implied it as far as I know! I read the whole thing...) But a whole lot of posts were accusing others of coming from that stance.
it came forth because around 4 or so people said that there were a lot of negativity in games, aggressiveness, killing, stealing, violence and so on. this had iterated a few times. gamers tend to take a defensive approach when this happens. its not particular to this forum or that subject. 5 years ago i would also reacted the same.
however i didnt at any point expect it to end up on me over something i have not said. this was a first.
Quote:It's never appropriate for anyone to judge where another person is on their spiritual path. And it becomes especially nasty when it's used to drive home a point or shut the other person out. In our miniature Ra world here with our lingo, calling someone STS is like calling them a witch in Salem in the... erm... was it 1800s? history has never been a strong point of mine...
Anyhow, it's hurtful and only serves to promote separation. So, is there still an open wound from your being accused of "STS actions" or the like? I know that if I were accused of bring STS, it would hurt my feelings!
i have no problem in anyone analyzing me, or my actions, or dubbing any of them self serving or this or that, and speaking their opinion about it. what i have a problem with, is however, people contradicting themselves, projecting the images about irrelevant things in their mind onto me, or accusing me of something while contradicting themselves with their accusation.
i am even ok with those who are inclined to green ray compassion perceiving or dubbing balanced paths as 'sts'. actually that kind of analysis would make great reflection and be useful. so, im ok with that. DESPITE that we are discussing in the forum of a material the bringer of which openly states that they are without polarity, despite the balance of 5, and 6d is being higher in vibrations and closeness to totality than green ray compassion, i have no problem with the perception of them as such.
but, as said, if someone contradicts the declared pursuit of green ray by assaulting, belittling, ridiculing, accusing others and demanding them to do x, or y, it becomes totally ridiculous.
Quote:The first post 3DMonkey made in this thread was focused on your viewpoint, rather than the topic you wanted to discuss. While it's true that what prompted that could have been your exchanges in the other thread, I don't think we can say for sure that he's carrying over the exact same argument. We don't know whether or not he made the assumption that you thought all higher technologies are evil and should be banned.
element of doubt exists in what i see, however, the immediacy of the reaction and nature, and the way it folded out, gave me that impression.
not to mention he never commenting on what i said about he misperceiving me as someone saying games are evil/should be banned in that other thread, despite he made quite clear pointers to that.
Quote:I agree with you that no-one is obligated to make a dysfunctional discussion work, and that communication totally broke down in the other thread.
Do you mean with these statements that you feel sort of "hounded" by 3DMonkey or others?
it somewhat seems so. i dont have any problems with that, but it seems to discourage others from participating in the threads such as these.
Quote:You say "It's something that cannot be worked through with discussion." Well, that's true that as long as perceptions of the other self are skewed, discussion will always devolve down to the catalyst that needs to be processed before the selves can open to eachother in acceptance and hace a mutually understanding conversation. So, in that sense, no, it cannot be solved by farther discussion. Instead, I offer that the communication should be focused on misperceptions of the other self.
that is correct, however when such situations tend to repeat over and over, it makes discussion of delicate subjects impossible. as soon as someone reacts as such in any subject they are feeling strongly about, the thread gets derailed. in the game case, there was quite distasteful and low age average correspondence involved too.
again, i dont have a problem with that either - because i have been in a lot of low age average forums or places that people were talking with quite sharp tongues. but, i know that when such low age jargon is used, older people seem to bail out of that discussion asap.
Quote:What archetypes do you feel are being projected onto you? I'm not sure what you mean by that statement.
seems to be already detailed above.
Quote:There's nothing wrong with making the observation that people are young. (although there's no age listed on anyone's profile here) And I can understand why you wouldn't want to participate in discussions with those people who are not seen by you to be those who yield fruitful discussions. But I can personally attest that just because someone's young, or even unawakened, doesn't mean they don't have something of the utmost value to share with you, if the catalyst is understood for its personal nature, and taken to the self for development.
However, I think to start saying that some people are young, and to imply that this discredits them in any way, is not seeing the entire picture. One doesn't have to be young in order to not be focused on the impersonal discussion of spiritual principles.
quite. age has no strong direct relevance to maturity. however, when you get replied to your inquiry in a form that can be summarized as 'neener neener', you understand that you cant make it work.
Quote:This shows that you have a different idea of what bring4th should provide as a forum than other people, who are coming from different places, do. I think this might be a fruitful topic for a new thread...
3DMonkey Wrote:unity100 Wrote:as for whether i am coming from a place of love, no, i am not.Nice to hear you say that. Now I know I'm not crazy. I read you right, from the beginning.
I'm honest when I say I love you unity100. In that love, I ask that you respect me as equal. You don't have to come from a place of love, and if not, I don't expect to be accepted by you.
I'm thankful for the opportunity to express myself. No hostility everyone. Genuine expression. That is all.
You've left out part of what he said.
yes he indeed did. quite conveniently too.