(06-25-2022, 04:23 PM)flofrog Wrote: Phoenix, you appear to me to be such a deep searcher in the different threads you have posted on, do trust your instinct, please.
Thankyou flofrog.
I think that I am not likely to meet a negative 4D wanderer. But they must be incarnating somewhere within the negative heirarchy on this planet. However, a line that always haunted me in the Law of One was that when the channelings were made, people were not requesting any positive presence, only negative presence! This brings up the idea for me that most people in society working casual jobs, like offices and things, were only thinking along negative lines. There was a book that I thought was interesting on this area called something like 'Corporate cults'.
I have no clue on the individual that I spoke about. I have reason obviously to address this question recently. There are dreams going back a long way indicating their might be an issue here, also, when I prayed for him I got a suspicious response. However, due to my current situation I am reading and listening to the bible a lot and I can only hope to stay connected and hope that guidance will work out for me. The idea of how to proceed if this individual is more negative than is comfortable is quite concerning.
Thinking about this LOO quote I suppose the STS entities incarnating here feel a sense of disgust at the idea of positive fourth density? So they may not be fourth density wanderers just those seeking to polarise negative.