(03-13-2022, 02:57 PM)aWanderer91 Wrote: Thank you for your response Monadicspectrum, I always appreciate your outlook on things
I really love your idea of developing faith that I will see my mother again, this I have been working on and although I'm still experiencing a few blockages with this faith, it is invisibly there and growing.
"Transmuting the experience into joy and appreciation" is an inspiring quote too, this I haven't pondered too much or attempted, but it gives me something to contemplate and work on from here. I think this is what my mother would want, after all.
And I really enjoyed the song, it touched the heart and I could relate to the message thank you so much, my friend.
I think this is the lesson you need to learn by looking deep in self, and your mother helped you one last time in this incarnation with your lesson.
You are here in this forum. You know the Ra Material. You know this life is a blink of an eye in a endless existence. You know you've been in various relations with your mother in so many incarnations before and you will be in various relations with your mother in many more incarnations. You know all this and still hurt. You need to find the bias that does not let you heal, knowing that your mother is free from any pain she ever had and she accomplished her goals on this tough illusion.
My mother also died and because of covid I could not even attend her funeral. The day she died my heart felt lighter than any day before that when I knew she was suffering and I knew, for her, there was no turning back. I knew my father cannot take properly care of her and covid complicated any help further.
I hope you find a way to learn your lesson and you must understand that letting her go from this physical reality does not mean anything at spiritual level, where we will always be together because we are one.
Letting her go is your step forwards in your spiritual evolution, a step you must take before you can go any further.