(06-02-2009, 05:23 AM)ayadew Wrote: Yet, this is a great catalyst. I would like thank my negative friends for it, if I only dared!
I agree with all the wonderful suggestions thus far, but would like to address the above comment.
When I first read about the idea of thanking the negatives for their service, I felt fear. I thought, "But if I thank them for it, they will think I like it and do it more!" I was also afraid to face them.
I don't remember if it was Ra's words or Carla's, but somewhere I read that, in addition to thanking them, we also firmly tell them that we do NOT need or want their greeting. This minor little detail made all the difference in the world for me! I then realized that it was ok to make a stand, and by doing so, I could eliminate any power they might have had over me.
I visualized it thusly: By reaffirming my own Choice of love and gratitude, I would polarize more; thus, my light would be brighter, and if they persisted in approaching me, they would have to come into the light! And if they did that, they would either lose polarity (if they are STS) or gain polarity (if they are of the inclination to be attracted to the light) but, either way, would no longer be a negative greeting for me, since I am safely dwelling in a cocoon of light.
The distinction is that by thanking them and sending love to them, that is like pouring water on a fire, whereas fearing them is like pouring gasoline on a fire!
Love to an strongly-polarized STS entity is like heat; it makes them uncomfortable, so they'll leave. Of course, there is always the possibility that they could be affected by the love, and switch polarity! Just like there is always the possibility that an STO could get derailed and switch polarity! It can work both ways! But our diets are different, so to speak. STO's gain polarity by love, whereas STS's feed on fear. Sending love to an STS entity is essentially repelling them; whereas, fearing them attracts them.
Thanking them does not necessarily mean you want them to continue! But if you are specific in your stance that you appreciate their service, while, at the same time rejecting their offer to depolarize, then you send a clear signal to them that you have made your choice, and it is an STO Choice.
Their goal is to depolarize us...to get us to waffle from our choice...because if we do, they gain polarity.
While I do agree that we are ALL, and thus looking into our own dark corners and shining the light there is an important response, it is also true that we dwell in the density of Choice.
Thus, if we are all, then that includes Choice, and even separation! (Horrors! This sort of sounds sacrilegious!) This may sound paradoxical, but if you think about it, even though we are aspiring to an awareness of our Oneness, at this point, here in 3D, we are still separate entities (or at least seem so in our illusion)...so Oneness includes everything, including the illusion of separation!
Since we must choose, then that means there is something that is not...for if we choose STO instead of STS, then we are rejecting STS, right? We know that, sometime in 6D, all will be resolved, but right now, right here, we are in the density of Choice. So I think it's fine to unapologetically make a stand for STO, by telling the STS entity "I greet you in the love and light of the One Infinite Creator. I know that you, too, serve the One Infinite Creator. Thank you for your service, but I do not want it. Please take your offer of service to someone who wants it. I don't."
Not only is being firm on our stance acceptable, but I think that is even the reason for the catalyst in the first place...to get us to strengthen our Choice. The STS entity doesn't know this, of course, because he doesn't understand that he actually serves the Creator as well. But in the end, the STS energies serve us by showing us what we don't choose. That which we don't choose is still, ultimately and seemingly paradoxically, still part of the One, even though we reject it temporarily. The key is to reject it lovingly and with gratitude, while realizing that even that which we decline has its place in the Grand Design, so is ultimately part of us.
I think the way we heal that aspect of ourselves is by loving it and forgiving it, not by choosing to express it in our lives. We can love something without expressing it! Leave the expression of STS energies to those who choose the STS polarity, for that is their task! For example, I can feel love, forgiveness and compassion for a violent person without being violent myself! The same with the STS entities who greet us: love them, while choosing not to nourish & express their STS energies by feeding them fear.
I guess what I'm trying to convey here is the distinction between acceptance and expression. We don't have to choose to express something negative, in order to accept and love it when chosen by others. And by loving it while choosing to not express it, we shine the light on its darkness.