(01-21-2022, 08:32 AM)Patrick Wrote: If questions were publicly listed we would probably see a great many "event specific" questions. These would all be ignored and it might make a lot of people resentful in the end.
Personally, I still have not found the perfect question to ask the group. That question has been taking form for the past few years. If it is ever ready before I die I will send it in. The general subject is about the relationships between forgiveness, karma, intent. For example, what kind of karma do we acquire for things we did not intend and yet caused some harm in the end. Is there such a thing as positive karma... Etc...
How about bravely taking that risk?
Nothing ventured - nothing gained.
Why are no questions allowed to be asked, that are currently moving people and are very important for them?
I must say that i am sometimes bored to read questions for nearly identical themes, that are asked again and again with only tiny differences.
So what's for example about the big timeless missing questions regarding the archetypical mind?