01-08-2022, 03:44 AM
(12-11-2021, 02:44 PM)andrii Wrote: I'm wondering if it would be possible to pose a question to Q'uo as to how to help neutralize the fear and anger some people fear towards alternative host body substrates.
Some segments of people are just anti-intellectual, reactionary and ignorant by choice. A very specific example is the large population of anti-intellectual religious segments in the US politics. You may find such people in scarce percentages elsewhere, though not as many as and as bad as they are in the US.
You can not reason with those people, you cannot address any concern they have, you cant make them see things clearly. Because they are rejecting all that by choice, for the self-identity they created and the social framework that identity sits in requires that kind of thing. Otherwise they wont fit in where they live in their social circle.