(11-23-2021, 09:25 AM)flow Wrote: ok,i see. it's not that there is time/space for each density. it's that time/space contains "level of vibrations" of each density, it is not separate oranges, it is seven slices within one orange. inner planes are indeed difficult to understand.
flow, i don’t know if this would be interesting to you, but parallel to what you say about not separate orages, there are interesting description of time/space in the books of Michael Newton who was this respected hypnotist. His writings were appreciated by Carla and Jim. Under hypnosis his patients would relate what happens between incarnations, and it appears that when we get into time/space we rejoin our vibration group, and if in some Earth experience we find that we have been helped by other physical entities who were of higher vibrations, we can in time/space see them from afar, send them gratitude, there’s no real barrier in some ways, but we couldn’t mingle with them closely, unless after some growth on Earth we effectively might join their group and leave our former group. It’s really interesting and links to your comment... love permeates these time/space planes.