03-02-2011, 02:10 PM
Hi, NASA fans, or not!
Just to comment on Google, talked about in previous messages.
Google is not anymore the innocent very good and fast search engine,
made by nice peoples, using Linux ! !
It has become a big greedy company, prying in our privacy,
in the same categories as
big pharma the greedy
big petrol the dirty
big armament the murderers. . .
Mosanto a class of its own !!! B-) B-(
. . .etc. . .etc. . .
I will not put any "source" here. THIS forum is not the place.
Go to
and use the [ Search ] button to form an opinion on
NASA and/or Google.
Blue skies.
Just to comment on Google, talked about in previous messages.
Google is not anymore the innocent very good and fast search engine,
made by nice peoples, using Linux ! !
It has become a big greedy company, prying in our privacy,
in the same categories as
big pharma the greedy
big petrol the dirty
big armament the murderers. . .
Mosanto a class of its own !!! B-) B-(
. . .etc. . .etc. . .
I will not put any "source" here. THIS forum is not the place.
Go to
and use the [ Search ] button to form an opinion on
NASA and/or Google.
Blue skies.