11-04-2021, 11:15 AM
I just thought of another option, which is a big variation on a theme of an idea in my first post. There I said that we could switch timelines by tweaks to the past if they were consistent with the current present. In that case, the tweaks might be so minor that the new timeline is indistinguishable from the current one. Or maybe even a tweak was so great that it changed my actual past but, now that I am on a different timeline with a different past, I would not even know it. Well, taking the concept that our consciousness are somewhat immortal, take this scenario one giant step further. The past could be changed greatly (yes, bad guys did kill my grandfather) but now there is a new timeline where my consciousness no longer resides in KYDoug but in, say, KYJoe. Again, in our limited 3D existence, I (whoever that is) might not even know that I am KYJoe since the new timeline is one where that life did actually exist. So, my life essence remains intact, but my interpretation of who I am in this incarnation is different. I still react in the new present (sort of) how I would in my previous past since it is all somewhat reminiscent of reincarnation. That is, who you are is a product of many life experiences. Hope that makes sense, since it barely does to me.