As the truth comes to the light, may many see that it is not covid that everybody should be worried about. It is the governments and all other systems intent on causing harm to our brothers and sisters. Here in Canada, the governments are on the verge of insane and US is no further ahead. They keep pushing for mass jab which are not working and are considered leaky. Yet here they want 100% vaccinated with what I call the clot jab. If it will not prevent covid, what is its purpose. There no longer is a chance of herd immunity. Feel so much compassion for both sides. The truth will come to the light for all to see --- what happens after that? Now oil shortages, food shortages, worker shortages, etc. Not covid or unvaccinated related but totalitarian, fascist, world systems. They are the virus. We now are experiencing the pain, confusion and loss of life that the 1940's inflected on millions. I realize this is the time of ascension or harvest, all things must fall so that the new can be birthed, but we are one, this is very hard on the brain, heart and soul. In love have called out to the Confederation for love, light and support for all life.
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