I have read all the replies and see so much love and compassion. You will see how different we all are with all different experiences and trials in our lives. You can never be alone, we are all connected as one, one consciousness, One Infinite Creator. We perceive a division from the One Creator or each other but that is only an illusion, it is impossible. I see that you are searching outside of yourself for your answers to the confusion you are feeling within. As within, so without. Yes, we are both the light and the darkness. Acceptance of your self in love with comes love of self, with love of self comes healing and outward will change as you change. The darkness within will always move towards the light within, it is a great teacher and love all experiences. Claim it and love it to light. Have faith in your beautiful self, you are all that you are searching and reaching for. There is a saying in the bible (not religious) that explains so many things that we go through. " Father, forgive them for they know not what they do." I accepted my own ignorance and seeing myself, I too did not know and did not understand. This has lead to compassion of all brothers and sisters as well as the self. May this reply and all other replies lead you to your light.
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