07-29-2021, 05:39 PM
(07-29-2021, 03:35 PM)omcasey Wrote: .
Care must always be taken - yes.
This said, we can all learn something about the COLD here and specifically, as the original poster intended - COLD as a healer.
Here we arrive again at the basis of the alkaline/acid balance of the body. Modern peoples are far too acid, an imbalance toward the acid means chronic inflammation and inflammatory dis-ease.
This is where souls like Wim Hof step in to show us more about the cold, - which itself is ALKALINE, this is why in the cold weather months we get what are commonly called "colds", which is simply the alkaline nature of the environment pushing all the excess acids out of our bodies. --> we get watery eyes, runny noses, ear aches, sore throats ( sometimes nausea, loose stool, vomiting ) as these acids are forced out. This is not in any true sense of the word "being sick", this is healing - healing processes going into effect to help compensate for our tendency to be too acid. It is the body's natural immune system kicking in. This is what a healthy, well functioning immune system does. If we ourselves would cease being so acid, the body's natural cleansing processes would not have to compensate to such high degrees.
It is a disservice from allopathic literature and mind-set to consider ourselves, our body even for a moment as being sick. The body is not ever sick, the body is an intelligent organism whose processes are aimed at all times at harmony and right balance. It is we, ourselves, who often work against this. With the thought programs we let run, the energy frequencies we let flow through ( judgement, frustration, anger, stress, negativity, hate.. ), the actions and behaviors we take on, including, of course, those that lead to what we choose to put in ( and not put in ) to our bodies.
Many of us no longer even realize we are not meant to live our lives in high beta, this is a wave frequency designed to help move us through emergency situations. But most people LIVE in this wave, in the sympathetic nervous system, in fight/flight. This is highly acid of course and will lead to all manner of nervous tendencies, including those that lead toward the stimulant-depressant wheel : coffee ( caffeine ), refined sugars, alcohols, etc.. Toward meat eating, 2-3 meals daily ( waay too much, meat is among the most acid forming of foods ) and the consuming of packaged, heavily processed "junk foods".
If this is you - if this is your current now - yes you are going to have to WORK toward your relationship with the cold ( with the alkaline side of your nature.
Assessing your current terrain, the terrain being your mind/energy/body system is step one toward moving back into equilibrium.
Assess your mental state/tendencies
Assess your energy state/tendencies
Assess your actions and behaviors
Look at your diet:
How much of what you are eating creates acid ash in the body?
How much creates alkaline ash? Get a percentage.
The general rule is 80% alkaline ash forming / 20% acid ash forming.
Begin the process of self correcting.
While there is plenty of evidence that the PH of the blood and body tissues must stay in its naturally alkaline range of around 7.4 iirc, the whole food thing makes little sense.
The image you shows has under a 10 for alkaline, and I assume they mean the actual PH, Garlic, Carrot, Artichoke, and Lemon among others. Raw artichoke has a PH of 5.5-6. Raw Carrots 5.88-6.4. Raw Garlic 5.8. Lemon Juice 2.0-2.6, couldn't find whole lemons probably sense few people eat them.
Pretty much the entire alkaline side of that chart has a PH of lower than 7 and as low as 2, making the foods acidic.
Meat, cheese, pasta, bread all fall within a range of 5.5-7.1. Seafood is generally from 6.5-7.3.
There is almost no foods I have found after looking at charts and measurements that are anywhere above a 7.5 in PH.
Your chart isn't the only one I found with completely erroneous ph attributions to food. Vitafountain has a similar chart as the one you posted and lists black tea as a PH of 3, where is actually is a PH of 7.2 and is one of the more alkaline food/beverages you can get. Generally everything we eat falls between a PH of 3 and 7 with 5.5-6 being a nice average.
Generally anything we eat gets digested with stomach acid with a pH of 2 or less. What is more of a factor in blood and tissue pH is the amount of Hydrogen vs Hydroxyl ions available in the blood and tissues and whether they are bound or unbound. Drinking Alkaline water may be a good way to replenish Hydroxyl ions since water will not cause stomach acid to be released, unless of course you drink some of this crazy high PH water. However I doubt the veracity of some of their claims because any water with a PH of 9 or higher will be so bitter as to be undrinkable. Also do not forget that alkaline substances are just as dangerous as acids, bleach is an alkaline.
I am sure there is a connection between the food you eat and its quality and blood and tissue pH. But it does not seem to be as simple as people make it out to be and most of the foods people claim are alkaline, are neutral or even highly acidic.
Ph values of foods