07-29-2021, 12:29 PM
Former WHM instructor here. Yeah, the cold can be real helpful for some problems, but you don't need to take it full Wim Hof style. A short cold shower in the evening before bed will give you all the benefits and also make you sleep better. Also, as was pointed out above, there is hot inflammation (when cold is good) and there is cold inflammation, which will get worse.
A good primer to see if you are WHM material is to check your ayurvedic disposition. I'm primarily Vata and concluded eventually that excessive cold exposure made me severly ungrounded. Pitta types on the other hand often benefit much from the method.
What made me eventually retire as an instructor is the breathing techniques of Wim. The more advanced stuff is an aggressive forcefull Kundalini style (Much related to Tummo practice but without all the checks and blocks a teacher will provide) and can be severly unbalancing for your chakras. I eventually pretty much fried my nervous system and had to take several years on the sideline to heal. lesson learned, don't force, practice patience. Now a day I practice Buteyko breathing which is much more suited for Vata types and meditators.
A good primer to see if you are WHM material is to check your ayurvedic disposition. I'm primarily Vata and concluded eventually that excessive cold exposure made me severly ungrounded. Pitta types on the other hand often benefit much from the method.
What made me eventually retire as an instructor is the breathing techniques of Wim. The more advanced stuff is an aggressive forcefull Kundalini style (Much related to Tummo practice but without all the checks and blocks a teacher will provide) and can be severly unbalancing for your chakras. I eventually pretty much fried my nervous system and had to take several years on the sideline to heal. lesson learned, don't force, practice patience. Now a day I practice Buteyko breathing which is much more suited for Vata types and meditators.