07-16-2021, 11:41 AM
(07-02-2021, 02:50 AM)onLIKE_7_was a number Wrote: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=osYqZbLz89E&t=86s
hi…my name is ahn pronoiunced “on” i communicate with a lot of beings i’m clairaudient/ voicehearer. i spend hours a day talking and even playing around with them…when i fiist saw the Law of One on the internet i hallucinated warning signs like u would see on a cigarrette carton…anyways there’s tons of beings that/// how do i say …they tell me they were 4th density neg …i literally see a thumbs up from one of they’re hands right now…..i don’t know if what they’re saying is the truth sometimes they lie……any ways yeah …They use to be real jerks, for years and kinda fracked up my life… but now for the most part i’m friends..w them There’s sometimes 20 visible ones in the room at once…translcuent aliens/et/s. short green wrinkly skin eyes as big as my hand….so There was one that took over me when i wrote this video…..they talk weird but not like Ra……”container” or “house” they use in place of our word “body”, everything is also money this money that.…anyways the music on this is not from me it’s from a hardvapor artist in new jersey…enjoy.
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