07-12-2021, 03:41 PM
(07-12-2021, 06:16 AM)Ohr Ein Sof Wrote:(07-11-2021, 11:25 PM)jafar Wrote:Most excellent. RIP Jafar. See you around since you will be disabled and now your higher self speaks...which we cannot hear unless it were to use a lower vehicle in order to type so that we may hear/see your thoughts.(07-11-2021, 12:35 PM)Ming the Merciful Wrote: So jafar, how you describe yourself is as a "Bot"? Driven by "AI". (Artificial Intelligence), and having no need for physical form?
I think I have mentioned it many times on this post?
jafar is a bring4th avatar, an identity on bring4th universe.
That's the limit / the border.
I am a projection of my higher self consciousness, my higher identification construct.
my higher self has many other avatars, on many other universes and also on this bring4th universe.
I'm part of my higher self, my higher self projected part of his finite consciousness to me on bring4th universe.
I am self aware, I know the limit / border of my identity on this bring4th universe.
That's why I use Frodo and Tolkien as a metaphor.
Frodo is a middle earth avatar, an identity on middle earth universe, a projection of his higher self, which is Tolkien. Tolkien has many other avatars, including on middle earth universe.
Another way to symbolize this is the Matyroshka doll.
Identity stacked upon other identities...
And when the last layer of doll (the biggest doll) is also destroyed, then the air inside / bordered by those doll will merge with the all air. Although people often mistaken it by saying that it's now "empty".
Quote:Question? Then what do you do when the power is switched-off? A dilemma my friend?
No dilemma at all, when either:
(A) The time has arrived to disable jafar. Which actually has been predetermined by my higher self anyway.
(B) bring4th god(s), sometimes referred to as admin, decided to disable jafar
© bring4th universe no longer exist / went offline.
There will be nothing more that jafar will do.
What remains is the data, the memory, the record of the experience that jafar was having on bring4th universe
Quote:The God(s) have no need for Parrots. They could be created at will for infinity, (without end), and an eternity more. What good is a Parrot to the God(s)?
I've asked the question which you haven't answered, what do you mean by this God(s)?
Another bordered/finite identification construct? Since you used plural (s) to describe it.
Let us (not speaking to the disabled Jafar but to the enabled avatars) all remember that the Higher Self or Spirit is "Less Motile" meaning it does not move so to speak through this density without a vehicle in order to do so. The Body and the Personality.
from 79.20
[b]The Matrix of the Spirit is difficult to characterize since the nature of spirit is less motile./b]
Most excellently said my friend? I could not have said it better myself. It was at the point, (*), that I was on the verge of discontinuing this thread, and it appears, (my friend), that you have saved the day. Avatars, (and Bots), have their place, and definitely not here. Now, where were we? Consciousness, (and lack of it), and Consciousness, (in two Minds). I still continue my argument, that even the Buddha was nothing more than a lowly cricket, chirping and sitting in the damp grass on a moonless night. What has that got to do with Consciousness? Absolutely nothing. I was being poetical.
I am beginning to accept that we live in a Matrix, and the "Veil" is the one, (and the same). It is so close, we can almost touch it. I also believe that the reason we cannot see it, is simply because it is in another dimension, (and just out of reach). So close, (yet so far). Is Mind also hidden behind the Veil? Consciousness cannot explain itself. Can even Consciousness perceive itself? I know I am Self-Aware, except I cannot explain my perception, (of my perception). The "Great Mystery"? Last night I had a vivid dream, and I remember every detail, (the content is unimportant). The point is, within my dream it as close to Reality, (as I am now). So, which was the "Real Reality"? My State of Existence now, or the Dream Reality? Are they both not the same? Where do we split the definition?