thanks for sharing this, you share all kinds of great info! i've read an article on different types of fasting that says it can actually be hard on the body in many circumstances so i thought i'd share.
(these are just some snippets from the article about the dangers)
"Short term water fasting is a helpful tool for some people in some circumstances. But it is definitely not for people who haven’t gotten to a point where their bodies are already pretty well cleaned out and who have healthy levels of nutrients in their bodies.
On a water fast, people can sometimes experience moments of clarity and euphoria because of the adrenaline that’s released during water fasting so they want to keep going. Be careful. It’s better to do water fasts periodically—even once a month if you wish—but only for a couple days versus doing a longer water fast.
Unfortunately, a lot of people try a water fast because they’re sick. They’ve often been sick for a while, are nutritionally deficient as a result and have viruses in their system. Under these conditions (or for people who try to water fast too long), the fast weakens the immune system. That allows the viruses that made people sick in the first place to proliferate, so people end up getting sicker as a result. Many people who fast, including fasting experts, don’t understand what’s really happening, and they mistakenly attribute the illness surge as a sign of detoxification."
this is a way to cleanse the body in a gentle way daily that can be incorporated into daily life:
(these are just some snippets from the article about the dangers)
"Short term water fasting is a helpful tool for some people in some circumstances. But it is definitely not for people who haven’t gotten to a point where their bodies are already pretty well cleaned out and who have healthy levels of nutrients in their bodies.
On a water fast, people can sometimes experience moments of clarity and euphoria because of the adrenaline that’s released during water fasting so they want to keep going. Be careful. It’s better to do water fasts periodically—even once a month if you wish—but only for a couple days versus doing a longer water fast.
Unfortunately, a lot of people try a water fast because they’re sick. They’ve often been sick for a while, are nutritionally deficient as a result and have viruses in their system. Under these conditions (or for people who try to water fast too long), the fast weakens the immune system. That allows the viruses that made people sick in the first place to proliferate, so people end up getting sicker as a result. Many people who fast, including fasting experts, don’t understand what’s really happening, and they mistakenly attribute the illness surge as a sign of detoxification."
this is a way to cleanse the body in a gentle way daily that can be incorporated into daily life: