Positive orgone (POR) and probably even kundalini energy are related to sexuality. How does that relate to alchemy? It's a bit tricky since I also include the development of a social memory complex in the alchemy process. What is sex like in a social memory complex? It must be something different than the usual sexuality in third density.
One speculation I have is that the lower chakras of the service-to-others social memory complex will involve a new and higher kind of sexuality. In third density sexuality is used for keeping humanity growing. And similarly in an STO SMC sexuality likely plays an evolutionary role. One guess is that sexuality will be used for improving our physical bodies! And as a tool for creating cohesion within the social memory complex.
One speculation I have is that the lower chakras of the service-to-others social memory complex will involve a new and higher kind of sexuality. In third density sexuality is used for keeping humanity growing. And similarly in an STO SMC sexuality likely plays an evolutionary role. One guess is that sexuality will be used for improving our physical bodies! And as a tool for creating cohesion within the social memory complex.