06-30-2021, 12:15 PM
(06-30-2021, 03:59 AM)confusedseeker Wrote: ... I'm not an expert but I know enough and have experimented enough to know what's going on with the diet industry. I have no guilt about eating meat. I cherish animals and farming ( like my ancestors did), and I only consume humanely raised, grass fed, organic food sources (mostly local), and my dairy is usually raw from a local farm. All my veggies/fruits are organic as well, ideally from small local farms.
This is a great way to view the food you eat. Ethical considerations for the life taken for food is commendable.
The vast majority of people on this planet are still not aware of these ethical considerations for life forms other than human. So anyone who takes a step away from supporting factory farming is doing a great service to others in my opinion.
My philosophy is to do the least harm. I apply this to myself as well as the world I live in. So I do concern myself with honoring the body I have, and this includes supplying it with nutrition. I just think nutrition is about more than just the physical aspects of the food.
I see doing the least harm as being as healthy as I can be while assuming the responsibility in how I do that, for myself, the environment, and all other-selvesI interact with here at this time in 3D-early 4D. The greatest thing on that list of doing the least harm, to me, for everything involved, is to cease factory farming animals. It's excessively cruel and destructive on many levels of existence.
Human health is one thing, and it is a very important thing, as we are responsible for ourselves. It is primary, if you will. But it does eventually go beyond human health in my opinion. It goes to the health of this planet and all the life forms on it. It goes to evolution of consciousness, which at this time is moving beyond 3D.
(06-30-2021, 03:59 AM)confusedseeker Wrote: The amount of processed foods a lot of vegans eat is gross imo (oils, supplements, powders, cringy fake meat full of garbage funded by Bill Gates and other tech oligarchs), among other problems with that particular diet.
I don't know about "a lot of vegans," but I will say this about anyone who does choose to be vegan: there is likely some consideration for others-selves (humans are not the only creatures here). And, in my life, I just don't see what you see. Anyone I know who is vegan (which, admittedly is not a huge number of people but is nonetheless significant) is also informed about nutrition and what is unhealthy. Oils for example—I don't know any vegans who consume unhealthy oils. And on the other hand, I know few omnivores who even understand trans fats. So, we can't lump vegans into a category of idiots who eat processed foods and don't know anything about nutrition.
(06-30-2021, 03:59 AM)confusedseeker Wrote: ....the food pyramid was a lie fed to us by the grain/wheat/corn industry to get us to load up and look what has happened to our collective health. An American diet is now about 70% plant based, loaded with carbs and sugars and processed/refined oils.
What is left out of this equation is the millions spent by the meat and dairy industry to advertise its very profitable products which rely on the extreme torture and abuse of helpless and innocent animals.
The old food pyramid is garbage, I agree.
I beg to differ on your assessment of the typical American diet. Never has the American diet been more full of meat, and the worst kind of meat. Yes, processed sugars and grains and packaged nutritionless products (basically the whole middle of the grocery store) contribute. But if one looks at rural 3rd-world cultures, where grains (like rice) are eaten with an absolute minimum of meat, you see healthier individuals who live longer and aren't obese.
Typical Americans eat meat at every meal—not like the Asian way with small amounts of meat, but as the main item—and that meat is mostly from factory farms. And this is just cooking at home. You just can't site the harm of eating grains, which may be relevant or not, without siting the harm of consuming animals especially in the way Americans do.
(06-30-2021, 03:59 AM)confusedseeker Wrote: What you said about children was frightening, but I'd rather not touch an emotional topic such as that. There is a reason why they need a mother's breast milk to develop (and not the soy based BS formulas we've created in a lab or whatever), which is loaded with cholesterol and full animal fat.
I agree. Any substitute for mother's breast milk is like the processed foods in the middle of the grocery store. People's lives are busy, so I suppose that is why these producst are chosen. But why have a child if you are too busy even to feed it properly?